Chapter 6: In the Dark

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"That was polite of you." My dad says as I walk into the office.

"Yeah." My voice sounds rough against my throat. I cough to clear it.

My parents don't know everything that happened with Malik. If they did my dad probably wouldn't have been so nice around them. I'm not even sure if Steven knew what happened. It's not their fault, I haven't told anyone.

"So how was the day?" My dad asks, completely unaware of what thoughts were running through my head.

"Uh- great actually. We got all the chores done just in time for the first wave tomorrow" I plaster a smile on my face.

"That's amazing. Thank you." He comes around his desk to hug me. I return it instantly. "How are you liking the new guy?"

"He's... not terrible." I chuckle. Ace would be lucky to get a praise out of me on the first day.

"Hey, that's pretty good coming from you." My dad chuckles into my shoulder.

We were about the same height. I may be a little taller but he doesn't like to admit it. Some people think it's weird that I am as tall as my dad but I don't really care. And honestly? Neither does he.

My dad is getting old. I think of this as I look at his hair. More silver streaks have shown up and the bald spot on the top of his head was growing.

Luckily, he could still grow his summer beard. Although this year it may be a little more grey than he expects. I suppress the giggle that rises to my throat when I think of it.

"I'm going to the Dam to eat supper. I'm starving." I say after releasing him.

"I'll be there in a little bit. Not sure how long this paperwork is going to take. But the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can leave this place."

I know exactly how much he hates the office.

"Sounds good, dad. I'll see you later." I kiss him on the cheek and head out the doors and down the hallway.

I step outside and head to the Beaver Cabin. I get changed into my camp sweats and hoodie then head out the door. I pause outside. After my run-in with Malik, I had lost my appetite. I decide to take a walk around. I needed to be alone.

I go back inside to grab my flashlight then stride out the door. I click the light on, illuminating my path. I walk along the path lit by my flashlight and the small bit of moonlight that shines from above.

My feet know where they want to go and I let my thought wander. I hadn't expected to see either of the Davis' tonight, especially not Fucker Junior. It had been two years since the night I broke things off but the feeling hadn't left.

It follows me around and attacks me when I least expect it. Sometimes I don't even like Evelyn touching me when this happens. I just like being alone.

I find myself at my destination a few minutes later. It is where I come to think when I'm stressed, or when my thoughts are too much. My rock rests in a clearing just off the side of one of the camp paths. I climb onto it eagerly and look up.

The canopy has a small hole right above the rock. That means I can look directly up and see the stars. Sometimes when the moon is full and it's at the precise height, it lines up perfectly with the hole and shines directly down onto the rock. It's like a natural spotlight.

I let myself relax, gazing at the stars.

No one really knows why Malik and I broke up. Like I said before, I haven't told anyone. I think they just assume he was an asshole (which he still is) and I broke things off.

Our Hill Of StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora