Chapter 28 : Never Again

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I don't know how long I sit on the edge of Ace's bed.

It could be minutes.

Could be hours.

My mind buzzes, completely and utterly replaced by the events of tonight.

I don't talk - I can't.  My voice has left me.

I don't feel - I can't. Emotions have evaded my senses since the moment I climbed into the truck at the other camp.

I've shut down.

Evelyn and Charlotte stay with me, only leaving to grab my parents. And that's whose arms I'm in right now. My mom. My dad.

I vaguely remember an ice pack being pressed to the side on my head and water touching my lips. But all I can focus on is the lamp beside Ace's bed.

It is a faded shade of blue. There are tiny, minuscule holes in the material, only letting a minimum amount of light pass through. I can tell by the how much light the bulb gives off that it will need to be changed soon. I find myself wondering what Ace uses the lamp for. Reading his romance novels? I let out a dry cough that was meant to be a laugh. I really shouldn't be laughing.

Tears well up in my eyes. I'm not sure where they came from. I thought I had cried all my tears already... maybe it is because I've been staring for so long at the lamp. Ace's lamp.

My minds reels back to reality.


Where did he go? Why did Dax and Archer follow?

I don't know anymore.

I blink slowly, my eyes drooping from exhaustion. But as soon as the dark takes over my vision, he is back. Malik's breath; his wide eyes, his greasy hair, his cold, disgusting hands.

The sound of my zipper rings in my ears.

The sting of his hand across my face.

My eyes fly open as nausea curls in my stomach. I refuse to blink again, scared of what I might see. So instead I stare at the lamp.

But the feeling in my stomach doesn't ease up. The more I remember, the more it comes on. My insides feel like they are crawling up my throat.

I stand up abruptly, startling everyone in the room. I cover my mouth with a shaky hand and make a run for the door. My friends and parents call my name worriedly as I sprint outside. It is all I can do to make it to the bushes in time.

My lunch comes back up and I'm on my knees. My name gets shouted as I retch all the contents of my stomach onto the ground.

Suddenly, a warm hand is rubbing my back while the other one is pulling back my hair. I gag again, and kiss is placed to my temple. I wince at the contact but don't pull away. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know I am safe.

"It's fine. You're going to be okay." A low voice whispers in my ear as I finish gagging.

When it is clear that I am done, strong arms gently pull me out of the bushes. This time - in his arms - I can close my eyes. I can feel him lean us up against a tree and pull me tighter.

"Hey, now, you're okay now. You're safe. He is never going to touch you again." Ace's words are whispered into my hair as he rubs his hand up and down my arm.

I curl tighter against him, grabbing his shirt in my fist. I squeeze my eyes shut as a tremble wracks my body.

My consciousness slowly starts to slip away from me, my breathing becoming slower. I keep my eyes closed against his chest.

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