Chapter 26 : Barsy

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"Dax Sanders, how am I just finding out about this right now?" My smile is just as wide as my eyes.

"Because I've just decided to tell you, Auto." Dax rolls his eyes and returns my hug.

I turn to Lee with a grin. I always knew Dax liked guys but this is way different because this is his first boyfriend. Or at least that I know of.

"Hi, I'm Autumn. Extremely nice to meet you." I stick out my hand for Lee to shake.

His large one reaches out and clasps mine. Lee's hands are very large, just like the rest of him. Now that I am even closer, I have to lift my chin to see his eyes. I'd say he's a solid three inches taller than Ace, making him the tallest in the room. Good for Dax.

"Nice to meet you too." Lee drawls.

Is that an accent I hear? Definitely from the country side. Reminds me of a Southern accent for sure.

Damn, Dax. What. A. Score.

"Welcome to Beaver Falls, we can take you on a tour after supper." I tell Lee, then turn to the others. "Mickey just finished cooking up a storm in there. Go grab your plates and come join us"

"Yes, ma'am." Lee grins then follows his boyfriend to the kitchen.

Everyone disappears behind the doors.

"Oh. My. God!" I squeal excitedly into Ace's shoulder when we sit back down again.

"They are very cute together." My mom smiles while dad nods his head in agreement.

"I can't wait to hear all about it." I tap my fork excitedly on my plate.

I basically count the seconds until everyone returns. My knee doesn't stop bouncing the entire time. I can't believe Dax has a boyfriend and none of us knew about it. I am slightly jealous that Evie and the others found out before me but whatever. It was only by a couple minutes anyways.

"Before the others come back, I'd like to apologize for earlier." My mom says all of a sudden.

Ace and I turn to look at her.

"I was extremely rude for a very petty reason. I'm sorry for acting like a complete bitch." Mom meets our gazes with a tight smile.

I let Ace answer that first. "Thank you for the apology, but it was unnecessary. I understand how I didn't make the greatest first impression." He winces slightly, probably thinking about the whole cabin situation.

"No. I don't actually care about what happened this morning. I owe you an explanation." Mom pauses. "I knew your mom when we were younger. She wasn't exactly the nicest person to me and I took out that grudge on you once I found out who you are."

Ace's eyes are wide. He definitely was not expecting that. I mean, I wasn't either.

"Oh." Is all he can manage at the moment.

"She stalks your mom on Facebook, that's why she knew exactly who you are." I lean over to him.

"Oh." He blinks.

My poor boy is so overwhelmed at the moment. It is extremely entertaining.

"I do not stalk Sherry but I have seen lots of pictures of your family." My mom defends weakly.

Ace opens his mouth but his eyes are still so wide I can guess what he is about to say. I'll give you a hint. It's two letters and he's already said it twice.

If you guessed, "oh", you'd be correct.

"Oh." Ace's voice is quiet.

"Hey Beckett? I think you need to start expanding your vocabulary before my parents rethink their approval."

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