Chapter 21 : Splash Me Again, I Dare You

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"Heave! Ho!" The Saplings call from around us.

Fifteen extremely colourful canoes make their way across the lake in a bunch. Three campers in each while the Counsellors buddied up. And of course, my buddy is the one and only Ace Beckett. Because why not.

We had left earlier this morning, lunches packed (courtesy of Mickey and the kitchen crew), for the canoe trip. We would be gone all day.

It took us a little while to get everyone settled in but now it was smooth sailing. We haven't even had a tip over... yet. You take a group of teenagers canoeing and a dip in the lake - on purpose or accidental - is inevitable. It's the way of life.

"Whatcha looking at, Tuffs?" Ace asks me, his blue eyes shining in the sun.

"The clouds. I was trying to pick out shapes and stuff." I answer, craning my neck to look behind me.

I took the front of the canoe, putting Ace in the back with our supplies, which consisted of our lunch, an extra set of clothes, towels, and water bottles, all which are in bags. The plastic baggies are just incase we tip over - it's been known to happen as I mentioned earlier. Everyone else's supplies were identical to ours including the emergency bags.

"I can't believe you were cloud gazing." Ace chuckles.

I stop rowing and turn to glare at him. He can't exactly see my glare due to the sunglasses I'm wearing but he gets the point.

"So what? I bet I could find more shapes than you." I challenge.

"You're so on." Ace smirks.

We both stop rowing and turn our heads to the sky. I quickly spot a cloud that looks like a cat. Ace comes back and points out a giraffe.

"That one looks like a bird." I say.

"That one looks like a cow. It even has spots." Ace bounces back.

We go on like this for a few minutes.

"Over there is a horse." Ace says.

"You already pointed that one out." I retort.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"I did not, Tuffs."

"You did so, Beckett." I cross my arms, "I win."

"Fine. We're tied again." Ace gives in.

"That we are." I throw him a wink and pick up my paddles once again.

We had fallen behind the group and have to go pretty fast to catch up.

"C'mon, Beckett, row faster." I complain when our strokes go off beat.

"I'm trying." Ace chuckles, slightly out of breath.

I silently laugh at his poor display of athleticism.

"I thought you were a pro volleyball player." I taunt.

"Not pro." Ace says.

"Oh. That's why you can't keep up." I goad him.

"Oh shove off, Tuffs." Ace laughs, picking up the pace.

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