Chapter 2 cutting the power back on

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As we step outside of the subway station we see a group of people that have been infected sworn all around us but they seemed to not notices us.

Jill:come we got to get moving,follow me I know a way to the power station.

Y/n:got I'm right behind you.

I follow right behind her closely I'm not trying to get loss or get surround by zombies aging. We made our way through the city managing to duck mass hordes. We also made our way through some houses and buildings even managing to find supplies laying around.

Y/n:you know who in there right mind would leave all of this laying around. If they was trained they might have survived.

She doesn't respond I guess that she is still focused on our goal. Which I don't blame her for on our way there was fire that was blocking our path luckily for us there was a fire hose there that allowed us to get passed it.

Along the way we had to some problem solving to continue.

Y/n:do you know how inconvenient this is if I want to go to the bathroom I have to get a different key or pick the lock what the hell raccoon city it like every other thing you have to do a puzzle for.

Jill:you don't even know the half of it

As she finished picking a lock.

Y/n:oh look who finally found there voice.

Jill:whatever let continue

Y/n:you seem to know what you are doing here almost as if you done it before.

Jill:because I have.

Y/n:you did when

Jill:back at the Arklay mansion incident. Me and my team were sent in to get STARS alpha team after they got stranded. Along the way we came into contact with some mutated dogs with the same virus which cause this outbreak. I later found out the Albert Wesker was a double agent who was working for umbrella.

Y/n:is that why you don't trust Carlos and the rest of them.

Jill:it's not that I don't trust them it that I don't know if they mean well.

Which is completely acceptable i probably would have done the same thing.

Y/n:well you don't have to worry about me I would never turn my back on someone who is as cute you are and for Carlos and the U.B.C.S. give them a chance I know they are trying there best.

Jill:I hope they are.

We went into a building where we saw a trail of blood that lead us to someone who was bleeding out. Judging by the logo on his arm he is with the U.B.C.S.

Jill:are you with the U.B.C.S


I looked over down to see there was a bite mark on his leg that's is when the door bust opens and one of the guy from the subway cart comes in a shot the infected U.B.C.S. solider in the head killing him almost instantly.

Y/n:what the hell

Jill:why the fuck did you do that.

Nikolai:he was infected

Jill:might have been infect

Nikolai:are all you S.T.A.R.S this soft no wonder all you guys died so fast.

As much as like to disagree with him he is right it better to be safe than sorry. He leaves as Jill is still piss at what just happened.

Y/n:come on there is no use stand around here mourning.

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