Mon Cher~

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(Angel's POV)

I groaned and opened my eyes. Mascara had stained my face from crying last night and there was fresh bruises, cuts, and whip marks all over my body, along with lots of hickeys. I always had to dress in something more covering then usual when Val...'visited'. Which sadly was quite often. Fat nuggets slowly walked out of his little house, looking at me sadly.
"I'm sorry you had to see that again Nugs.." I said, picking him up. He oinked in response.

(Alastor's POV)

Charlie had asked me to wake up the feminine spider so I had gone to do so but just as I was about to knock I heard Angel say,
"I'm sorry you had to see that again Nugs.." tch, he probably hooked up with someone last night. I reluctantly knocked on the door, I honestly kind of liked the male spider, it made me jealous that he was with someone else..

(Angel's POV)

Shit! I can't be seen like this! Pretend your asleep so no one comes in! I lay down in bed, pulling the covers over myself, hiding all the bruises and marks. I winced but cuddled Fat Nugs, praying to Satan no one walked in. And then he did...

(Alastors POV)

I walked into the room, Angel was laying in bed with his back turned to me and I swear I could see a bruise right on his neck but he cuddled more into the blanket, hiding it from my view.
"I know your awake Angel, I here to make sure you get up to come help with the hotel!" I said in my fake cheery voice, my smile still spread on my face.
"Fuck off Al, I had a...r-rough night..." He said, his voice died down a bit at the end, now I was confused...I pulled the blankets off of him and my smile wavered. He was covered in marks all over, bruises, hickeys, cuts, deep ones, whip lashes and more. But he had long socks on to cover his lower legs and his gloves were still on, luckily he had shorts on too. "...Angel...." I said softly, and for the first time in a very, very long time, I frowned.

(Angel's POV)

He pulled the covers off of me, he could see all the marks...everything...
"I-I said fuck off! I ain't in the mood for ya fake smile and happy attitude! You don't even care anyway so FUCK OFF!" I yelled, I felt bad but I started to shake and sob, holding fat nugs closer. I can't believe I was like this in front of him...

(Alastor's POV)

It kinda hurt when he said that but I let it slide. I had never seen him so...fragile...he seemed so upset and I couldn't help myself, I reached out and touched his shoulder and he instantly flew away from me, his back hitting the wall and his eyes wide in fear. Tears were streaming down his face and he had more marks on his front side. I frowned more and sat on the bed, reaching my hand out to him. When he finally took it I pulled him into a hug, he struggled to get out of my grip but I held him there, and soon enough he gave in, his forehead on my shoulder and both sets of arms wrapped around me. I would normally hate a hug especially from him but...I...enjoyed it...Fucking Satan what is wrong with me!?

(Angel's POV)

I sobbed into his shoulder, shaking violently, he rubbed my back soothingly and started to was...nice...
"What happened and who did it, Angel?" He said, sounding a bit sad but I brushed it off. "Doesn't happens a lot and why would ya care anyway? Don't ya hate me?" I asked, my tears stopped flowing and it was back to that empty feeling always felt like that.
"It does matter dear, and I care because you are a friend, I don't hate you. I never have, I just don't like it when you touch me or flirt with me, it's rather annoying." He explained.
"Still doesn't mattah, there's nothing you can do about it anyway, unless you want to take possession of my so-" I slapped a hand over my mouth, if I told him he would know who it is and he would the deer demon...a lot..
"Possesion of your...?" He asked, trying to get it out of me.
"Possesion of my nothin'! Ya don't need to know who did it and you certainly don't need to know what happened!" I retorted. I didn't want him to get hurt...
"Angel, finish your sentence, it's rude not to." He said, he sounded disappointed..
"Possesion of my soul. The person who did it has my goddamn soul, ya happy now?" I said, the only way to free me from him is to kill him. And I don't think Val would let his prized possesion to be taken from him. I'm just an object. I heard static, It was coming off of Alastor...I didn't look up at his face and just looked at my hands in my lap, I knew his eyes were radio dials and his antlers where bigger because of the static, and he probably had that giant smile on his face.
"So it was Valentino~?" He said, more tears fell from my eyes as I turned my head away. But he grabbed my chin gently and turned my face up to his, making me look at him straight in the eyes. Just I had expected, radio dials, large horns, giant smile, and glitches.
"Its rude not to answer a question mon cher~" He said, I blushed at the nickname but quickly turned my head down, I hope he didn't notice...

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