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(Alastor's POV)

Angel had been staying in the room and sleeping a lot lately..did I do something wrong..?  Is he upset..?  I kept worrying and stressing about it so I went to the room and say him crying with his hand on the mirror, fat nuggets in his arm.
"Angel..." I said softly, I hugged him, he turned around and sobbed into my shoulder.
"Shhh...its okay mon cher..." I whispered to him as he sobbed harder.
"I-it feels like he's still he-e-es trying to get me back.." He sobbed even harder.  I only know half of the shit that purple douchebag put my Angel through, and I hated him enough already.
"He's dead my Angel, he can't hurt you anymore." I told him, he nodded and stayed close to me, fat nugs held between us.  I started leaving but he grabbed my arm so I turned to him
"Yes?" I asked, he looked unsure and he blushed, but he spoke up.
"W...what are we exactly...?  Are we just...friends with benefits or something..?" He asked.  I smiled at him.
"I consider you as my boyfriend dear, and I wouldn't have it any other way." I responded, pulling him into a kiss.  He instantly melted into the kiss and he walked with me to the lounge where Charlie, Vagatha, and Husk were tending to our new clients.  Everyone seemed happy but as soon as Angel stepped into the room, smiles faded and everyone stared with pity.  I felt Angel start to try to walk away but I pulled him into my arms, my eyes turning to radio dials, my horns growing, static all around us, and a black liquid oozing from my giant smile.  Everyone in the room instantly looked away, I calmed myself and picked Angel up, he nuzzled into me right away and I carried him over to the kitchen to make something for him to eat.

(Angel's POV)

"Angel cakes~ come to daddy~ let me take care of you Angel baby~" I could still hear his voice, right behind me in my ear but no one else heard it, I shivered as I felt a hand around my neck and arms, tears threatened to spill from my eyes but Alastor instantly rushed over to me, hugging me again.  God I loved him....he is so sweet and caring and loving...I wish I could stay within his arms forever.  But he let go of me.  I whimpered and he snuggled me.
"I can still hear he's right behind me..I c-can still feel his dirty fucking hands on me Al...I'm scared.." I whispered.
"A-and I know he's gone but I still feel him...and hear him..." all the sudden I SAW him...he was standing behind Alastor, smirking at me.  I screamed and fell off my chair, scrambling away from Alastor.  Tears spilled from my eyes and I was shaking and breathing heavily.
"Mon cher..." Alastor picked me up, holding me as I sobbed harshly.  I knew what was going on.  There was bits of him left in my soul since he was my first owner but being so close with Alastor was starting to get rid of it.  He had been gone a lot during the day time and I needed to stay near him 24/7, to replace the bits of him in me.  It was mostly my trauma but it was also partially that.  He hummed to me, everyone was staring with looks full of pity and regret.
"Its okay Angel, I won't let him hurt you anymore" he assured me, my tears dried and I nodded, cuddling into him more.  It had been about a year since I took his virginity, and the mating seasons were coming around.  Alastor and me had discussed about it and he refused not to help me with mine even though I could live through it.

[Two months later]

I yawned, stretching all four arms.  Ah shit! The pain I'm my abdomen started, I winced.  It was hot...too hot.  I pulled off my sweater.  Fuck that goddamned smell...why does he always have to smell so good when I'm like this!?
"Angel..?" Alastor mumbled he blushed when he saw me with my sweater off.
"Hm? Oh, sorry I got hot!" I said, giving a fake giggle.  Sadly, he saw right through me.  He knew what was going on, and he pulled me into the bed, making me straddle him.  Well fuck, there goes walking.

Strawberry Spiders♡ (RadioDust) [OLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora