Chapter 2

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Tyler's POV

After school and six hours with a very strange Nick, I ran into Kayla on my way to the bus, and thank god I did. I needed to talk to someone and Kayla would always listen. "KAYLA! Wait up! I ran to catch up to her before she walked out of the school doors and got lost in the crowd of students. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Instead of answering my question she looks down at my hands where I was holding my bus pass, "Are you taking the bus?" I nodded slightly confused "I'll drive you home, we can talk in the car."

"No, its fine-"

"Tyler get in the car," she says pointing to her black jeep. We both climbed in and got comfortable, "What did you want to talk about?"

"You didn't tell Nick did you? He's acting all weird and I don't know what's up with him" I say with a serious tone in my voice.

"Are you kidding? You really think I would tell him that you're secretly in love with him? I would never do that, I would never out you." I believe her, I do, but why else would he be acting weird? We both stayed quiet for a moment, "If this helps, Carrie has been acting weird lately too. Do you think they broke up?"

"No, they would tell us right? Carrie is your best friend and Nick is mine. Why wouldn't they tell us?". The rest of the Car ride was mostly quiet after that. I think both of us began to worry about our best friends. Kayla pulled up to my house, "thanks for the ride home, and for the talk"

As I got out of the car Kayla stopped me, "Tyler, you should just talk to him. I'll talk to Carrie and tell you what she says. Just don't strain yourself over this, okay?" Kayla is one of the best, kindest people in the world and somehow I got her as my best friend.

I gave her a smile, "Thank you."


Sorry for any selling grammar mistakes and errors 

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