Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

I know what to say to her, I know what I have to say to her. So many thoughts came rushing into my head. She's one of my best friends, if I do this, if I tell her, I might ruin everything. But if I don't tell her and keep living a lie, I could make things so much worse. Luckily Carrie and I already had plans for the night so I can tell her then. How do you tell your girlfriend that you don't actually like them like that anymore? How do you tell her that you're bi and in love with your best friend? I guess I'll have to figure it out. "Hey dads, I'm heading out."

Before I could open the door they both answered, "Be safe"

"Don't do anything stupid." Chad says, not taking his eyes off the T.V. I laughed then started my walk to Carries. Her house wasn't too far from mine. We both live in what the kids at school call the "rich neighborhood". That's what happens when your dads are famous, her dad being a famous singer, one of my dads being a famous basketball player and the other being on Broadway here and there.

I got to their door, nerves running through my whole body. I don't know what to expect, I haven't told anyone yet, not even my dads. I hesitantly lifted my hand up and rang her doorbell, I could hear the ring filling their house from outside, now there's no turning back. The door opened to reveal Trevor standing there in his leather jacket. "Nick, I didn't know you were coming over."

"Oh sorry dad, I forgot to tell you that plans changed and we are just hanging out here tonight" Carrie says walking in from behind a wall, "If that's okay with you?" Trever nodded then pressed himself against the door letting me in.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me." While Trevor made his way upstairs Carrie and I made our way to the couch.

"So, why did you change plans?" I ask Carrie, trying her best to steer away from the whole being in love with my best friend thing.

"I actually need to talk to you about something..." I looked at her waiting for her to continue. "Nick I'm telling you this, not because you're my boyfriend, but because you're also my best friend. I know I can trust you with anything."

"Carrie, I don't know what you're going to say but it sounds an awful lot like the speech I practiced in the mirror this morning." Well, I said that so now I have to go through with it.

"Nick, I'm almost 100% sure you weren't going to tell me what I'm about to tell you. Nick I think we should break up-" I tried saying something but she stopped me "No, please I just need to get this out. You know they cliché 'it's not you it's me' speech people say. It's not you at all, if I could I would love to date you still." 'If I could?' What does she mean 'if I could'? Does Trevor not want us together? "Nick you're a great guy but I've just been thinking and I don't feel that way about you. I don't feel that way about any guy." She paused and looked up at me, "Nick I'm gay- well lesbian but you get the gist" She looked at me hopeful.

I didn't even know what to say, every time I opened my mouth nothing came out. "I have to say that is not what I was expecting when I was walking here." I finally got the words out. "I'm honestly amazed, you would think I would have a better gaydar?"

"What do you mean?"

"I came here to tell you the same thing, or something similar. I still like girls and all but when I'm around Tyler I feel a certain way. A feeling I've never felt about anyone." We both sat there in awe of what the other said. The deafening silence filled the room. "Carrie?" She looked up from her lap where she was twirling her fingers, "What do we do now?"

"Break up? Promise not to tell anyone else? I don't know what you want me to say?"

"It's Flynn right? That's who you like"

"Yeah it is, but I don't-"

"You don't have to explain it. Are you ready to, you know, tell anyone about this?" she shrugged her shoulders then the silence returned once more.

"Nick, I don't think I want anyone to know about this, not yet anyways. Do you know what a beard is?" I shook my head as I sat there confused. "It's when two closeted people date to hide the fact that they are gay. Because, apparently we are both gay, then maybe we can do that until we are ready to tell people? It will be like nothing changed..."

"Carrie I don't know if that's a good idea," I pushed myself closer to her, "I completely get it if you're not ready to tell people but- I mean, I guess I'm not either." I thought about it for a moment. "We can try it, like a one week test run? But if we don't like it then it's over."

"Just wondering, when you say 'it's over' we are still-"

"Carrie Wilson, don't even finish that question. Of course we will still be friends, you can't get rid of me that easily." 


Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes 

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