Chapter 7- The end

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Nick's POV

I don't know if I'm more nervous now or when I had to tell Carrie. What am I saying? I'm definitely more nervous now. I just know I can't keep this from Tyler anymore, I swear it's like something is eating me up inside. I got to his house and just stood at the end of his driveway looking up at his window. I kept on telling myself just to take a step toward the door they knocked but my body stopped me. Instead i convinced myself to grab my phone and just text him

*over text*

Nick: hey what are you doing rn?

Tyler: Homework

Nick: ok good

Tyler: Why is that good? Wanna ft and do it together or something?

Nick: no, it's good because homework isn't important. I'm outside.

Instead of a reply I just saw Tyler look out his window from behind his curtain and smile. He mouthed something along the lines of "be right there" or "be right out". Reading lips is not my strong suit. He ran out the door straight to where u was standing, "what's up?" He asks clearly confused as to why I just showed up randomly. It makes sense, I normally tell him when I'm going, this is definitely new.

"I wanted to go on a walk on the beach, though you would want to come too."

"I mean I have homework but I'll never pass up a chance to hang out with you." As we walked we were mostly quiet, every once in a while Tyler would kick a rock and I would laugh at how far it went, or how far it didn't go. "Are we gonna talk- I mean about today? How- how you were acting?"

"Tyler, I- I don't know how to say this." I paused and looked up from the sand we were now walking on, "Carrie and I broke up."

Tyler stopped in his tracks, "oh wow- you made it sound like I was going to be mad. As long as you're okay I'm okay Nick."

I turned and looked at him, "I-" I looked down at the ground unable to get the words I want out. I closed my eyes tight and hoped for the best, "Nick I like you, not like a friend but more then that. I want more then what we have now. I want to be able to grab you hand when we walk down the hallway, I want to be able to kiss you when I see you before and after school. I want you more than a friend. I want to be more then just friends. I know this could ruin-" before I could say another word Tyler put his hand on my face and lifted it up so I was looking at him.


"Tyler?" I said scared of what he was going to say.

"This is the part in the movies where we kiss." Before my mind could comprehend what he was saying his lips were touching mine. A feeling I wish I felt before. I feeling I could never forget. As he pulled away our hands stayed on each other's faces for a moment. "I want everything you just said. The holding hands, the kissing between classes, I want you Nick."

"I thought I was crazy, I thought there was no way you could feel the same way." I laughed at myself as I sat on the ground.

He threw himself in the sand next to me, "not crazy, smart. I've liked you since I knew guys could like other guys."

"So since you met my dads?" I laughed at him.

"To be completely honest I though they were just good friends at first." We both layer down in the sand and just laughed at each other. Laughed at all of the hints we tried to give the other person throughout the years that we like them. Hints that neither of us ever realized. Hints that are all a distant memory now that we are lying here in the sand, holding hands, mouthing "I love you."

------- THE END

really hope you all like it!! Let me now if you want a sequel thing for a Carrie and Flynn story. I would be more then happy to right one!!! 

As per usual, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and/or errors

More then just "friends"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن