Beginning of an Odyssey

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   Around eight years have past since our hero saved the world. She reunited with her extraterrestrial friends in a forest near the city where she blew up that abomination called Lyssa. She has been training ever since. Mark was always there training her to become the best soldier in his army. As the universes last hope, what else was she supposed to do at this point anyway? 

   She is still haunted by the image of her parents dying in front of her every single night. She can barely even sleep some nights. The flashbacks of a timeline that hasn't even begun to exist yet still travel through her head as she giggles at the familiarity of the situation. Unaware of the many challenges that will face her now, she waits for the day the ship arrives. She wouldn't care though, she already time traveled. She knows that something is probably going to go horribly wrong with the multiverse, but is ultimately too focused on her goal to care at the moment.

   Ramona is in her room doing a workout when Derk knocks on the door. "Come in." She says, Derk enters the room and closes the door behind him "How's training going?" He asks. "Good, I'm almost done." She replies doing pulls ups. Derk nods "Hey, I think you should know something. We have received many distress signals from other planets, so we sent out squads to go see what's going on. We have a feeling it might be someone you know." He says. Ramona gets off the pullup bar, sweating, exhausted. "I guess it's coming earlier than expected." Ramona says looking back at Derk. He nods in response "Come on, get washed up and put your uniform on, your mission is reactivated."

( Art by:  @NotARussianBot )

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