New recruits

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   Rob looks down at Ramona "By pickle, I mean tha-" "That we are in some deep shit. That's what." The tall skinny robot is interrupted by a mysterious Russian voice. From the darkness emerges a fish man. He's around 5'10 so he's a bit smaller than everyone else in the room. "...I'm sorry but who the hell are you?" Ramona asks, raising an eyebrow as she looks the fish man up and down. "Well, the fish humanoid you see before you, is Viktor." Rob introduces, sounding a little annoyed. "Yes yes whatever not important right now." He says rudely 

    Rob sighs and shakes his head "Shut up. And let. Me. Finish." he commands. Viktor's only response being rolling his eyes, he sits down on a chair and listens to Rob. Rob rambles on about how they may have messed up the timeline and how they may have accidentally created several different realities. "Okay, I guess that is a big problem. Though I don't see how it affects us too much." Ramona shrugs. Rob grabs a case from under his desk and puts it in front of Ramona "Open it." He says, and Ramona does so. Revealing a huge shard of the power crystals they found a long time ago. Ramona yelps and instantly closes it, stepping away from it "How did you find this? Where did you find it?" She asks. Rob only replies with, "I found many, from several different places. It wasn't easy thought, but, these will come in handy soon." Ramona raises an eyebrow, asking why. 

   "Did you really think these were only used to power a time machine? They were used to power everything The Ancient Ones created. They even used shards to power and create life forms organically, it's a weird process though. But that isn't what we're using them for." He says with a chuckle." Ramona tilts her head, "What are we using them for? And what's so funny?" She asks. Rob walks around the desk and opens a door to the side of the room, there are stairs going underground. Staring at that gives Ramona a flashback of when they had to escape The Mites, she hates bugs after that. 

   Rob brings her down the stares and shows her something she never thought she'd be alive to see...several crystals put into chambers, being wired and everything "We are making nukes." Rob says with a proud tone.

COSMIC CONSEQUENCES  (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now