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"Can someone explain why is it taking so hard for Sarah to get dressed for a party she didn't even want to go to?"asked Max, who at the moment was sitting on Sarah's bed complaining while scrolling through her phone. " You know it's no simple party Max after all the love of her life, her Prince Charming, her soulmate might attend this party too.. I mean it's the biggest party of the year"replied Elena laughing at the annoyed face her best friend was making. " I'm not going to the party for him okay? In fact I don't even want to know him, you guys were right the more distance I keep from him the better " Sarah replies annoyed. "Well did something happen? You seemed really curious about him during lunch" Rose asked Sarah concerned. " Nah nothing happened I just don't want to know him anymore " She lied not wanting to worry her best friends. " Ok let's go bitches I have been waiting for this party my whole life, let's get laid tonight!!! " Elena screamed pulling Max and Sarah with her. " Ew no one's getting laid tonight " Max exclaims and drags Rose out into the car as she's busy laughing.

It was 8 pm when they reached the party which was in full blown with drinking games, dancing and making out going here and there. "I'm gonna grab a drink, anyone of you want to come" Sarah asks the rest of her friends getting up. "We come prepared,you go and get some for yourself we'll be waiting" Rose replied pointing towards the flask of alcohol they bought from their homes. As Sarah starts making her way towards the back of the house where the drinks are, she notices a tall boy with short close cropped hair, brown skin, with almond eyes and prominent jaw. "What a sight" Sarah whispers to herself staring at the boy who didn't look like he belonged here, maybe at a runway show. Lost in thought she didn't notice the boy making way towards her.

"Hey"says the boy in a soft voice while smiling so warmly that she returned it without thinking. " Hey,I'm Sarah"she breathed out. "I noticed you were staring and thought that I could come speak to you, I don't actually know anyone over here so yeah" He replied scratching the side of his head. "Oh yeah I realised that, I haven't seen you before. Anyways why don't we go back to my friends after I grab a drink? "Sarah asked.

Just as she was about to grab her drink, another hand shoots out and holds a strong grip on her wrist. Her blood runs cold when she looks up because it's the same guy who choked her earlier, the one she sees in her dreams. No matter how scared she was she couldn't take her eyes off him, he wore a black leather jacket with a white vest underneath and black jeans. The rings on his finger outlined the veins on his hand which made Sarah gulp and this did not go unnoticed by him as he took a step towards her, somehow forgetting the reason he came here only staring at her who looked beautiful in the black strapless dress she was wearing. His breath hitched when she looked up and all he wanted at that moment was to take her somewhere away from all the people, somewhere only they both can live, because at that moment she looked up he knew she was..... "Mine" He breathed out. "Yours" She replied in the same breathy tone. Both of them lost in each other's eyes feeling a connection that was not just a momentary thing, but something which was really old, even lives old. Just as he was about to say something else, Sarah feels a pull on her waist and the next thing she knows she's in the arms of the boy from earlier the one who had a soft voice. He was holding her really close to him as he glances at Sarah smirking and then looks at the man in front of him, the "dream guy" with purpose as he says "If you do not know how to cherish her and you are only going to harm her, then I think it's better if she stays under my care Acheros". The guy called Acheros looked with fury in his eyes, but the boy holding Sarah didn't flinch as he pulled her away.

Sarah was still confused not knowing what was going on but just as they were going to reach her friends the boy bend down to Sarah's ear and whispered, "Don't get too close to him, you get that? " She nods shivering. "Ohh by the way I forgot to tell you I'm Evan" He adds smiling as if he didn't just scare her.

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