Soobin's Familiy

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"Well the reason I live with Yeonjun in a house is because 1 year ago me and my parents were in a house fire accident. Luckily I survived but they didn't," Soobin said with tears prickling his eyes. Huening Kai wished he could take back what he said.

"When I heard his family didn't make it I asked him to live with me so he didn't have to be lonely," Yeonjun said while holding Soobin's hand. 

"Oh god i'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything," Huening Kai apologized.

"No it's okay it wasn't your fault you didn't know," Soobin said quickly not wanting him to feel bad. Soobin snickered a little remembering the incident that went down. The smoke clouding his vision, the flames that burned his leg, the sound of his parents screams as the flames tore through their skin, the smell, his parents trying to grab him, the fire finally killing them.

"Were all so sorry that happened to you no one should have to go through that," Estella said.

"Thanks Stella but now back to what I was saying do y'all want to have a sleepover at me and Jun's house," Soobin said wiping the one tear that was rolling on his cheek.

"Sure," Huening Kai and Beomgyu said.

"Great! what about you Taehyun and Stella," Soobin asked.

"I just texted her and she said yes so it's a yes," Estella said.

"Great make sure to go back home and get some clothes," Yeonjun said. Just when he said that the bell rang

"Welp that's our cue. Who has art class?" Estella asked.

"Me," Soobin said. "Come with us then," Estella said.

"But what i-" Yeonjun was cut off by Estella.

"He'll be safe with us don't worry," Estella assured Yeonjun.

"Okay i'll see y'all soon stay safe," Yeonjun said leaving a quick peck on Soobin's cheek then left the cafeteria with Beomgyu and Huening Kai,

"Awww that's kinda cute" Soobin blushed when Taehyun said that while Estella just faked gagged 


Okay I don't know what question to say so-

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