Smell the flowers,blow out the candles

31 0 0

Hwang Hyun-li

Male, 36 years old




Lee Mi-yung

Female, 17 years old

School shooting



"I swear we are getting nowhere," Yeonjun said kicking a rock off the sidewalk. Huening Kai hummed in agreement. Estella sighed.

"Yeonjun ring the others up. See if they found something new," Estella said. Yeonjun took out his phone dialing Soobins number. Soobin picked up fast.

"Hey jun found anything interesting from the victims."

"Unfortunately, no. Have you?"

"Nope, this book only has 2 pages about Nazlobout
and there isn't anything new or interesting."

"Okay I think were headed to the cafe across the street from the school.
Meet us there when y'all are ready."

"Be careful on the way there I heard that a trip from the
library to the cafe is dangerous."

"Noted. You be safe too. Gotta go now bye."


Called ended

Huening Kai elbowed Yeonjun earning him a glare. "I see you being a worried boyfriend and friend." Yeonjun elbowed him back in the stomach. "It is true though a lot of gangs hang around the library," Estella stated watching the two boys play together.


"Be careful Soobin I think Yeonjun is coming for your mother hen role," Taehyun teased. Soobin fake laughed. "Ha ha ha very funny." Taehyuns face suddenly turned serious as he said,"We should be careful though. These streets can be quite dangerous." 

Beomgyu threw his arm over his shoulder and smiled at him. "loosen up besides even if we do get attacked we have powers and you! The moon element whose lived with his powers all his life." Taehyun blushed smiling back.

Soobin rolled his eyes at the two sensing the aura that surrounded the two. "Okay, okay stop all that lovey dovey stuff. We should quicken our pace we don't want-" Soobin was cut off by a loud scream. The three snapped their heads toward the alley where they heard the abrupt noise. Beomgyu rushed ahead before stopping to look at them. "Are we gonna help or not." Taehyun and Soobin glanced at each other before nodding. 

They rushed alongside Beomgyu into the dark alley. Suddenly Soobin abruptly stopped. He put his hands over his ears squeezing his eyes shut while bending down. The other two stood by him.

"What's wrong Hyung?" Taehyun asked putting a hand on his back. "I-i can hear i-it." 

"Hear what?" Beomgyu asked. "B-blood gushing!," Soobin yelled out. "Oh shit, its his ability. We need to hurry," Taehyun said. He crouched down gently placing his hands on both sides of the taller mans face lifting it up. "Open your eyes for me Soobin," Taehyun said calmly. Soobin cracked his eyes open staring into his big doe purple eyes. 

"Now do as I say okay." Soobin nodded. "Smell the flowers," Taehyun said as he and Soobin took a deep breathe. "And blow the candles out." They both breathed out at the same time. Soobin took his hands off his ears. He could still hear the blood but it was dimmer now. Soobin engulfed Taehyun in a hug. Taehyun happily returned it back.

Beomgyu stared at Taehyun in amazement before remembering the reason why their doing this. "Sorry to interrupt but we should get going." Soobin and Taehyun hummed and got up. "Soobin can you lead us the way?" Estella asked. Soobin nodded.


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