A break (up)

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After Yeonjun woke up from his rest he immediately was half scared to death when he noticed Soobin sitting down on the edge of the couch. 

Soobin turned directly toward him and hung his head low. It seemed he already knew about what they were going to talk about.

Yeonjun fidgeted with his fingers before managing the courage to speak. "Soobin me and Estella were talking and she told me we needed to take a break," Yeonjun paused to look at Soobin's reaction. The taller boys head was still hung low. "And I agreed with her. I-" Soobin cut him off before he could say anything else.

"I know Beomgyu also told me the same thing. I agreed with him. It isn't safe for us to be in the same house after what happened today. If one of us breaks down then all hell will come loose. I don't want to risk that," Soobin said nervously. Yeonjun nodded his head in agreement.

"I could go to Beomgyu's house if you want," Soobin suggested. Yeonjun shook his head quickly and said, "No, I'll stay at Beomgyu's house. You can stay here. I don't want you to stay up late due to Beomgyu's obsession with gaming at night." Soobin chuckled and Yeonjun joined him. 

"I guess so."

Yeonjun got up and asked, "I'll start packing up. Could you text Beomgyu and tell him what's the best time to arrive."

Soobin nodded and got up and left the room with his phone in his hands.

Yeonjun packed his clothes, some pillows, (He only grabbed two since he wanted Soobin to have more-) his toothbrush, and of course ear plugs. The ear plugs were to hide Beomgyu's gaming noises and get a good night's sleep.

Soobin returned and said, "Beomgyu said the best time would be at 10:30 that way he can prepare." 

Then there was an awkward silence before suddenly Yeonjun groaned in pain and dropped to the floor on his knees. Soobin rushed to him and gasped at the sight he saw. There was one pencil length cut on Yeonjun arm not fatal but still serious enough. 

"I'll go get the bandages Estella got us. I'll be back!" Soobin yelled as he ran out the room and downstairs to retrieve the bandages.

He returned in less than three minutes and patched Yeonjun up.

"It must be because of me using magic earlier," Yeonjun said as he sat in bed. Soobin sat beside him.

"Yeah," Soobin quietly said. Yeonjun glanced at him slightly worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I think," Soobin said. Yeonjun wrapped a comforting arm around him.

"Tell me." Soobin stayed silent before saying, "It's just that this is going to happen every time you and Beomgyu use your powers, meanwhile when I use my powers nothing physical happens to me." Yeonjun grabbed his chin forcing Soobin to look at him.

"The bad things that come with your powers may not be physical but that still doesn't make yours any better," Yeonjun said. Soobin gave him a weak smile before pulling both of them to lay down. "Cuddle me please," Soobin asked with puppy eyes. 

Yeonjun nodded and wrapped an arm around his waist. Soobin tangled their legs together and nuzzled his head in Yeonjun's neck. They couldn't hope but think this was their final goodbyes so they used the time wisely.

"I love you," Yeonjun muttered not hearing the faint "I love you too," said by Soobin before they both fell asleep.


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