First Date, Kinds Nervy

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*Stefania: I was wondering if I could take you somewhere to eat? There's a really good Italian restaurant right near the office, so we can get off early and I can take you to dinner?*

Danielle: I would love to. :)
Stefania: Okay, sounds good! See you tomorrow Danielle :)

It was the end of the day for Stefania and Danielle working at StationAnatomy which meant it was time for their date. Danielle was wearing a lovely tight red dress that showed her curves perfectly, Stefania was wearing a dark blue suit, a white undershirt, and black dress shoes. Overall, they both looked hot and were ready for their date.

"Do you want me to take you? I can drive you to the restaurant and back to the office after to get your car," Stefania said to Danielle, smiling as they both were walking to the parking lot of StationAnatomy.

"That sounds good to me," Danielle said walking with Stefania smiling back at her. Danielle quickly went to her car to drop her stuff off before heading to the restaurant in Stefania's car.

Stefania drove a black Range Rover with white leather seats on the interior. Danielle drove a white Tesla with red seats on the interior. Both beautiful cars.

Danielle sat in the passenger seat of Stefania's car as they pulled out of the parking lot. "I love your car," Danielle said looking over at Stefania who was watching the road in front of her. Stefania looked over at Danielle as they came to a red light, "Thank you, Bella" Danielle was staring into the beautiful brown eyes that were looking right back at her in slight confusion.

"Bella means like, beautiful in Italian," Stefania said staring into the beautiful blue eyes right next to her. "Ohhh! Ok! Well in that case, thank you, Bella." Danielle said as they both started giggling. They stared at each other for a few seconds before the light turned green. Snapping them both out of their In Love stare with each other.

They finally arrived at the beautiful Italian restaurant they were about to eat at. Stefania parked her car in the tight space located in the front of the restaurant, she quickly walked over to Danielle's side of the car and opened the door for her, grabbing her hand with her own.

"Thank you," Danielle said to Stefania as they were walking towards the entrance. They were both walking next to each other, centimeters apart from one another.

"Hello, reservation for Spampinato," Stefania kindly said to the waitress at the front of the restaurant. "Right this way please," The kind women said them as she grabbed two menus and two things of silverware, leading them to a beautiful spot on the patio. The restaurant was decently filled with people. They had a beautiful view of some plants near them and some soft music playing in the background.

"What sounds appetizing to you?" Stefania asked, smiling at the beautiful, blue eyed, blonde women sitting right across from her reading the menu. "I'm not sure, maybe some Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken?" She replied as she looked up from menu, staring right back into the beautiful brown eyes that have been staring at her the whole time. They both continued reading their menus as their waitress came back, asking what beverage they wanted to drink on this fine evening. Danielle got some sparkling water, while Stefania got plain water.

"Do you want to split this with me?" Stefania pointed to the meal that read Italian Lasagna with a side of pasta. "Of course, that looks amazing!" Danielle replied with a big grin on her face. The waitress came back just in time with their drinks, as they were ready to order their meal. "We're going to split the Italian Lasagna with a side of pasta, the pasta we'll take is the Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken." Stefania told their waitress in a beautiful Italian accent. The waitress nodded her head as she took the menus away and went back inside.

"So, Danielle. Tell me a little bit about yourself," Stefania said with a smile on her face staring at Danielle.

"Well, my name is Danielle Kathleen Savre, I was born here in California, I have 1 sister that is a firefighter, I love eating food, working out, watching Netflix, and I like hugs." Danielle replied smiling at the women across from her, "What about you?" She said waiting for a response.

"My name is Stefania Spampinato, I was born in a small town in Italy called Sicily, I have 1 sister, I love to dance, watch Netflix, cook, and I also like hugs." She said as they both smiled at each other.

They both started telling more and more about each other and finished eating their meal that they both highly enjoyed.

"Bye, thank you!" They both exclaimed walking out of the restaurant. "Thank you, Stefania for taking me here." Danielle smiled as they were almost reaching to Stefania's car. "Of course, Bella." She replied as she grabbed Danielle's hand which made both of them blush. Danielle sat again in the passenger seat of the vehicle as they started to drive back to StationAnatomy to pick up Danielle's car. Coming to each red light, they stared at each other without saying one word. Both smiling and blushing as they both felt butterflies in their stomachs.

"I really enjoyed this, we should hang out sometime again," Stefania smiled and said as they were pulling into the parking lot of StationAnatomy. "I really enjoyed it too, Thank you again." Danielle replied smiling and making eye contact with the hot Italian women next to her that gave her butterflies every second. They stared at each other for longer and longer just sitting in the parking lot of their office building. Stefania leaned in and gave Danielle a small, precious, passionate kiss on her lips. Danielle felt her body get goosebumps and butterflies at that exact moment. 

"Wow," Danielle said smiling as both of their faces were so close together. Stefania smiling back as Danielle pulled her in from her face and gave her another kiss. This time it was not just a kiss, it was a full blown kiss, more than a little peck. Stefania didn't pull away as she just kept going into it. They could feel the car getting hotter and hotter as the make out got better and better. Both of them smiling into every kiss they gave each other.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Danielle said as she pulled away from Stefania for a slight moment, pushing their lips right back together right after. "I'm glad, Bambina" She replied even though Danielle didn't understand what that meant, she was into it. They both smiled into the last kiss they gave each other. Tongues exploring each other's mouths as they both had loads of butterflies in their stomachs. They slowly pulled away from the heavy make out session they just had as they both smiled at each other.

"Do you wanna come over to my place this weekend?" Danielle asked, "Of course, Bella. Just let me know where and what time and i'll be there." Stefania replied as she unlocked the car for Danielle to get out, hoping that Danielle gave her one last kiss before leaving. "Kk, I will." Danielle said as she was about to take a step out of her car, then got a pull from behind. She turned around as Stefania slowly grabbed her beautiful face and kissed her one more time. Danielle smiled as she got out of the car, waving to Stefania and she walked back to her white Tesla.

"Wow, that really just happened." Danielle said to herself as she was sitting in her car with a huge grin on her face. She dug through her purse to try and find her phone to text Stefania. She grabbed it and realize a notification had already appeared from a text reading off as:

Stefania: Hi gorgeous, thank you for tonight, I had so much fun.  Let me know when you want me to come over and i'll be there ;) 

Danielle smiled as she read that notification. She always gets butterflies when she's around Stefania, even when she's not.. the thought of Stefania gave her butterflies. Always.

ig: stefaniasdanielle
tiktok: aprilkepnr

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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