Chapter 3

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 Tommy watched Wilbur leave then looked down at the fox. The fox shook its head and Tommy scoffed. What kinda fox does that? With a sigh Tommy walked back home. He looked up at the boring blue sky, it didn't seem happy today.


Tommy watched out the kitchen window as he washed his hands. A rash was starting to form on his hands. Tommy scowled and looked over at his dad who was typing away on his laptop. A small spider made its way into his dad's coffee cup. Tommy snickered a little bit.

"I almost died today, dad." Tommy spoke

His dad only hummed a response, only making a bitter face when he drank the spider.

"You know dad, I think it's a perfect day to do some gardening." Tommy stated

With a sigh Philza spoke up, "No Tommy. It's raining outside. You'll only bring in mud."

Tommy frowned and scratched the palms of his hands.

"Oh and before I forget, a kid left this on the porch for you." Philza stated

Philza pulled out something that was wrapped in an old newspaper. Tommy took the gift and unwrapped it. He raised a brow, it was a little doll of him.

"What is it?" Philza asked

"Its a stupid doll and I'm to musculent to own on." Tommy scold

His dad just laughed and continued to work on his laptop. Tommy held on to the doll then walked away to his brother's new office room. They used to hang out all the time and get dirty too. What happened to that? Oh yeah their work happened. He opened the creaky door to the room. In the room were piles of paper and boxes. An old computer sat on a desk where his brother was located.

"Hey Techno." Tommy greeted

Technoblade just ignored him. Irritated by his brother's action he started to play with the old creaky door. Technoblade sighed and looked in the reflection of the computer.

"Hello Tommy.....and Tommy JR." Technoblade greeted tiredly

"Do you know where the gardening tools are?" Tommy asked

"What did dad tell you?" Technoblade hummed'

"He said only you know where they are." Tommy lied

Technoblade stopped typing and looked over at Tommy with a raised brow. Tommy only huffed because he knew that his older brother knew he was lying. Technoblade turned back to his work, ignoring Tommy's precance. Tommy began to play with the door again. Technoblade used to be such a patient man but then work happened he was suddenly all snappy. It's always about work, he doesn't even know what's going on in there to make his family act like this.

"Ugh! Tommy go away! Go count the windows or something! Just let me work!" Technoblade shouted

Small tears started to build up in his eyes. Tommy never liked it when his family shouted at him and he never wanted to be seen valuable so he left the room. Tommy whipped away the tears that he refuses to let them fall. He pulled out a notebook and pen from his coat pockets. Tommy explored the place and wrote small notes about it. It was rather funny when he accidentally shut down the power in the pink palace, he turned off a switch he wasn't supposed to and then heard a scream from Technoblade. Tommy found the bathroom to be full of nasty bugs and cold water. He came to his final destination, a room that's large enough to fit a family of ten. The room had a fireplace and above it was a mantel and above the mantle was a sad looking painting. There were boxes in the room that he was in. Tommy put his little doll on a box and began to write again.

"One boring painting and two boring long widows and no more....doors." Tommy sighed

Tommy looked over to his wasn't there. Tommy looked confused and looked around a bit.

"Hey, big me, where'd you go?" Tommy called out

Tommy moved some boxes to see if maybe it fell in them. He turned his head to a much larger box to find it. Just as he was about to pick it up he noticed another door. Pushing the box aside he decided he should ask his dad about it.

"Dad?!" Tommy called out

"What?!" Philza answered

"I found a door!" Tommy yelled

Tommy got no response.

"I think it's locked!" Tommy yelled

Still no answer.

"Dad!?" Tommy called once more

A loud groan came from what Tommy assumes to be his dad. Philza came in with an annoyed expression. He held an odd looking key.

"If I open the door will you leave me alone?" Phil asked

"No promises." Tommy answered

Philza shook his head and started to head back.

"Come back! I was joking!" Tommy called out

Philza then tiredly walked back. He sat on his knees in front of the mysterious door. Because the door was covered in wallpaper, he used the key to carve it out. Tommy watched with excitement in his eyes, this could be his little hideout. Philza opened the door to reveal.......bricks. Tommy looked confused and a little annoyed.

"Why bricks?" Tommy asked

"They probably closed it off when they made this place into apartments." Philza sighed


"Enough Tommy, I have work to do." Philza raised his voice

Tommy frowned and watched his dad leave the room. Anger rushed into his body so he slammed the little door shut. The door opened up again, Tommy just scowled.

"You didn't lock the bitch!" Tommy yelled

A groan came from his dad. Tommy only frowned, they didn't have time for him any more.

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