Part 1: Well guess what... Im about to get kidnapped by the Mafia

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Cant believe you actually clicked on this, but I have warned you in the description so if you went here anyways you'll have to bear with me through the cringe. 

Im going to use this to decompress, have some fun and escape a little from real life and you are very welcome to join me.

 So yeah that's about it, now lets finally dive into yet another Mafia Wattpad Story. 


I slid my ginger hair behind my ear as I hurried down the hallway. As a nursing student you will get chased down if you are seen just near to a seat, which my feet painfully kept reminding me of. 

I glanced at the clock thank God only fifteen minutes of my shift left. When I entered my last patients room my mood was immediately uplifted because Granny grinned at me. She wasn't actually my Grandma but everyone in the department called her that. 

"Granny you forgot your teeth again." I chuckled.

"Mumpf ffuck..." there were some other words coming, but I couldn't quite decipher them. I waited until she put them in to start the conversation. 

"Off these motherfuckers, if I wouldn't enjoy talking so much I would have given up on them long ago. Oh and well they have quite the grip if you know what I mean.." She smirked at me.

"Granny have you bit Carlos in Room 12 again?!"

"No no my dear, this time I bit Gunther in Room 6 but he had it coming after smacking Nurse Louises butt yesterday." I just sighed at her, she wouldn't listen to my lecture anyways and I wouldn't tell her that, but maybe this only added to her being my favorite patient, not that I had any. 

After I was done with my last round of the day I walked towards my one and only Practical Instructor, greeting her with the brightest smile I could possibly pull off. 

"Jesus, you are allowed to leave if you stop looking at me like a homicidial maniac."

I just shrugged and kept a smaller grin on my face, cause after all it got me where I wanted. I went into the changing room and switched my white scrubs into a black skirt, a rose lace top and some sneakers. 

The days I walked around publicly in sweatpants or jeans and hoodie were the ones where my mental health was declining rapidly. Not that a more casual look can't be super cute, but I just loved wearing dresses and skirts. 

I quickly brushed through my disheveled hair, picked up my bag and finally left the building after a 9 hours shift. I was so ready to get home, these days I was only working and sleeping I couldn't even remember the last time I had sex. I was just about to cross the road to the bus stop when I saw a van pulling up in front of me and two tall, dark clothed men jumped out and lounged at me. The last thing I noticed was a strong chemical smell, until complete emptiness took over. 


Okay I am sorry, I know this is short, not that well written and kind of leaves in a cliffhanger, but I promise I am just getting started! The first Part is always kind of shit, right? Give me a chance and read the next Part and judge then hehe.

Also its 1am and I am really tired, but my mind kind of still keeps me occupied, so I am here writing anyways lmao. 

If you are still here I can't wait for the spice in the next chapters, maybe I just needed to rush through to the first one, because I can't wait for HIM. Damn I am really over here sobbing over my fictional character, I hope you'll understand once you'll meet him. 

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