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I sat at the edge of my bed. I was fully ready, I got changed, touched up my makeup and did my hair. It was 5:20. Niall should be here in no time. Sickly nervous is how I felt.

"Anna!" I heard my dad yell for me.
"Coming!" I took one last look in the mirror.
"Anna, Anna!!" My younger sister, Monica, barged into my room. "I-I - Niall, he's here!!! Like how!!! Did we win a contest or something? Wait am I dying? Is this a make-a-wish? No, are you dying!"

"Monica, I met him yesterday and we're hanging out. As a thank you, I helped him out at the airport. Now I have to go. See ya later!" I ran down the stairs leaving Monica standing in my room. In very much shock.
I walked out to the front porch, there was Niall and my parents. Them of course showing off their freshly finished garden, they were so proud.
"Hi" I smiled
"It was nice meeting you both." He shook their hands
"Have her home by 9"
"Dad" I sighed, Niall laughed. "I'll see you both later" I waved. Niall walked me to the car, opening my door for me.
"Holy shit" I let out a sigh and rubbing my hand on my thighs as he closed my door walking around.
"Ready?" He smiled at me. I nodded "what are you thinking for dinner?"
"I have no idea. Are you hungry for anything specific?"
"How about your favorite place around here?"
"Okay, we can head right" he nodded pulling out of the driveway. "Have you heard of Chili's?" I smiled
"Nope, is it all just chili?"
"No they have a variety of things. It's my favorite. And also the only good place around here"
"So this is the suburbs of Chicago?"  He asked.
"Kinda, Yeah. Not technically Chicago anymore just the suburbs"
"It's a nice area out here. And your home is nice too. Your parent were super nice. Did you tell them who I was? Not to sound cocky" he chuckled.
"No, but my sister freaked. She'll probably tell them. But I'm sure she won't say a word to anyone else. I don't want to cause you any trouble out here"
"Thank you Anna"  he smiled at me.
We sat in silence. Kinda awkward, at least for me. I felt as though I should be talking. I'm not the best at making conversation, let alone with Niall Horan.
We arrived to the restaurant and were seated in a booth.
"So what's your favorite thing to get here?" He said taking a look at the menu.
"The bacon chicken quesadillas! So good, I get it every time. I also don't like trying new foods so this is my go to." I laughed "It's pretty plain. Do you see anything you like?" I asked
"These burgers look pretty tempting"

"So Niall, not to be nosey, but where were you headed to?" I asked him once the waiter left. "I was actually on my at to LA. When I booked my flight, I meant to only have the one lay over in New York. I accidentally booked it with the extra layover in Chicago. Guess that's what happens when I do things me self. And I would've never guessed it's that complicated to do"
"Do you have an assistant do it all?"
He nodded " yeah, John. Great man, does literally everything. I wanted to try and be an independent adult, can't always relay on others." He chuckled. "So Anna, how old are you?" He cleared his throat.
"23" he let out a sigh of relief and smiled.
"I just didn't want to make sure you weren't like 18"
I laughed "no way I look that young!"
"You do!
The waiter came back with our drinks, a beer for Niall and a lemonade for me. "Do you drink?" He asked taking a sip of his beer.
"Not really, Occasionally I will, never enough to get drunk. And I've never been into beer, it tastes so bad"
"Ah, you take that back."
"I'm serious! It's so gross."
"You just haven't had good ones. I'm taking you beer tasting and you can't get out of it. Mark my words Anna!" I laughed
"okay" knowing he most definitely won't. Which is fine, but it's Niall, he won't remember me after he leaves! But me, this is a day I won't forget. A day I thought could only happen in my dreams.
"So is it just you, your sister and parents?" He asked "No, I have 2 sisters and a nephew. My older sister is a single mom, she lives with us and a dog Rudy, we have quite the full house"
"Sounds like there's never a dull moment."
"Oh definitely not, and it's never quiet either"
"That's something I wish I had, a bigger family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but it's just my brother Greg and I. And I feel like most of my life I've been on tour and on my own. So we never really grew a bond"
"Oh, I'm sorry" is all I could think to say. "Well now I feel bad for being a fan" I laughed
"Don't" he took a sip of his beer. "But a fan huh? I actually would've never guessed."
"You're not crazy"  I laughed "No really Anna, you're very sweet. It feels nice to be able to go out and have a casual conversation with a random person. I have my friends but I love meeting new people. And ya know sometimes people are only friends with me for the fame, it sucks. Sorry I don't wanna go on a rant"
"No, really you're fine. I'm more of a listener than talker. So please go on"
"That's all I have, for now" he winked. God this man literally makes me feel like I'm melting. "And where do you work Anna?"
"At a clothing boutique in the downtown area of this town. I've been there for 5 years" The waiter placed our food on the table, we thanked him and we began to eat. "How do you like it there?" He asked
"It's okay, definitely not where I thought I would've been five years ago."
"Are you in university?"
"No, I wanted to but I didn't know what to do with my life, still don't. I tried for a few semesters but I just don't think school is for me. So l guess we'll see what's my next move. I've always had a goal of opening a bakery. So maybe I'll work harder to do that. I usually stick to baking for my family and friends"
"Oh that sounds delicious, you'll have to whip something up for me"
"You got it" I smiled at him.

We finished our food and we're on our way, I insisted on paying the bill or at least half but Niall denied and paid. And said, I can pay for us next time. Which absolutely made me feel all giddy. I can't wait to tell Elle all this. I still can't wrap my head around what's even going on.
"Dessert?" Niall asked pulling me out of my thoughts
"Ooo yes. What are you thinking?" I asked
"Is there ice cream?" I nodded.
"Have you tried Culver's? It's basically the only ice cream around here so we have no other choice."  I laughed
"I think I've had it once before with the boys. Don't remember it much" I then directed him where to go, it was basically down the road. We pulled into the drive through and ordered then pulled into an empty parking space. After we agreed that it was pretty busy. I didn't want to risk him getting recognized.
"This is delicious."
"Isn't it! I can honestly eat this ice cream all day everyday. It's my favorite."
"I cannot Thank you enough" Niall spoke up. I smiled at him, "for what?"
"For being so cool, and chill and treating me like a normal person. Like this is all I could've asked for."
I frowned, I felt bad. Knowing people only use him for fame. "It's no problem at all."
"So tell me Anna, have you listened to my music? Be honest"
I will definitely not be honest, if I told this man I listen to his music every second of the day he'd then start to think I'm crazy.
"I have. I've gone to two of your concerts actually."
"Oh no way!" I nodded "the were really great!what's your favorite song to sing live?" I asked him.
"That's a tough one." He paused "probably the tide, What's your favorite song?"
"Tough, I like them all. But my favorite album is Flicker with the RTE. I love it"
"You're the first person who's said that about that album. okay but your least favorite?"
"Niall I can't answer that!"
"You can! I won't get offended, I promise." He held up his pinky. I laughed and connected our fingers
I sighed "Flicker, great album, well done.
"Cmon Anna, spit it out"
"Slow Hands"
He laughed "really?"
"I just hear it all the time at work or the radio, I loved it at first, but it's so overplayed"
"Well I know what song I'm about to play next" he laughed as he connected his phone to the car. I laughed. "It's still a banger! And I still sing along to it so jokes on you" I said as he continued to play it. We sat in the parking lot finishing our ice cream and listening to music. It felt to easy to talk to him. I'm usually one who struggles making conversation or even talking to people in general. But Niall's is such an approachable, easy going person.
"So what's there to do around here?"  He asked
"Literally nothing. I sometimes sit down at the river and watch the sunset. Want to go hang out down there. It's always so nice."
"Yeah, but you're not gonna murder me are you?"
I laughed. "If slow hands replays one more time I might"
He laughed, and changed the song "alright alright."and I gave him directions on where to go.
We got down to the river and sat on the bench.
"You're right, the sunset it absolutely beautiful"
"And this bench has the best view. It's my secret spot."
I nodded "yup, Elle and I found this spot back when we're were like 15. No one really comes down this path and since it's hidden by all the trees, it's hard to see"
"I feel honored" He smiled "so what time do you fly out?"
"Flight takes off at noon"
I sighed. I would've never thought that I would ever meet Niall and it would go this way. It's nice to hang out with someone other then my family or Elle.
"I enjoyed your company. And next time you're in town feel free to give me a ring."
"I most definitely will Anna"
We sat there in silence watching the sunset, looking at the ducks swimming by. Making small talk.
The sun had set and we made our way back to my house. Niall turned off the car and we both got out. He walked me to the door.
"Thanks Niall, I had a great time."
"Me too Anna. And is it okay if we keep in touch? I really think you're great"
I smiled "of course."
"Alright, I will talk to you soon. Thank you again Anna it was nice not to be stuck in a hotel room all day" he laughed
"Not a problem" he pulled me into a hug. He smelled so good, in a non creepy way. He pulled away "goodnight"
"Goodnight, have a safe flight to LA"
"Thank you, bye Anna" he walked away waving his hand.
I unlocked the door and went straight to my bedroom.
"Holy shit" I sat down. "That did not just happen" I felt so giddy.

I got out of the shower and got ready for bed with a smile on my face.
I can die a happy women now.
Tomorrow I see Elle, she's going to freak.
I began to fall asleep, hoping to wake up tomorrow and this not be a dream.

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