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I didn't think it would be possible for me to love someone else, someone more then Niall.

Because up until now, he has been my everything.

I thought I loved them already, but hearing them cry, seeing them, holding them, feeling their fragile skin. It made me know a different kind of love.

I looked down at my arms, holding both babies as they nursed.

Salem Everett Horan and Ashton James Horan.

The most perfect little humans.


"Welcome home littles" Niall placed both baby carriers on the floor. We sat in front of them watching them sleep for a few minutes.

"What now?" I laughed "this is so weird"

"I know" he whispered

"Do you think we should put them in their cribs? Oh my god our parents are gonna freak. Anna we haven't said a word"

"Really my mom hasn't texted? She texts like everyday" I reached into the diaper bag for my phone, Niall pulled it out of his pocket handing it to me.

"Well actually while we were in the hospital she did but I told her we were out running errands" he laughed "I wanted it to be our little secret for a little longer"

"Should we call them?" He nodded taking Salem out of her car seat, placing her in her bassinet, then Ashton.

"Hey honey. How are you?" My mom answered the phone.

"Good we finished the nursery, finally. Wanna see?"

"Absolutely" she smiled "oh dads here, we're just finishing dinner!"

"Hey dad."

"Hey hun, how are you, and my soon to be born grandchildren?"

"Good" I laughed "I was just about to show mom the finished nursery"

"Let's see it"

I flipped the camera panning around the room, leading the their cribs.

They smiled in confusion, starring at the bundles in the crib.

"Anna?" My mom asked "Anna!" She cried.

"Shhh you're gonna wake them" I laughed

"You had your babies and didn't say a word!!" She cried "oh honey"

"Surprise!" I laughed, tears brimming my eyes. Niall at my side held me close to him.

"I can't wait to meet them, they're beautiful" my dad said, his voice shaky.

"What are their names?" My mom asked wiping her tears.

"We'll this is, Salem Everett Horan, and this is Ashton James Horan"

"Beautiful, Anna. I love them already."

"I can't believe you wouldn't call your own mother." My mom laughed.

"It all happened so quick. They were just born yesterday, Ashton was born first at 9:13pm and Salem was 9:37."

"How's the dad?" My dad asked, I moved the camera so he was in the picture.

"It's unreal"

"Did you watch?" My mom asked laughing.

Niall scrunched his face, "yeah it was beautiful, crazy, kinda gross, bizarre, everything all at once." He laughed

"Hey at least you didn't faint" my mom nudged my dad.

We all went silent at the sound of Salem's cry. "Duty calls" I nervously laughed "bye guys" we waved bye.

I watched Niall pick her up and rock her in his arms. "Do you think she's hungry?" He asked

"I have no idea"

We both looked at each other then to Salem. "Maybe I should try to feed her, it has been 2 hours. I'm pretty sure that's how often they have to nurse"

"Yeah okay. Get comfy on the chair, I'll hand her to you" I nodded still waddling around to the chair. I was hoping I wouldn't be walking funny, but after pushing two 6 pound babies out of a 10 centimeter hole, I'm swollen, and in so much pain. I am also one with my babies and wearing adult diapers.

Niall has truly seen it all.

While I nursed each baby, Niall put our hospital things away, and was back at my side again. He sat on the other rocking chair carrying Ashton.
I loved watch him as he held them, they way he stared at them in awe, almost never taking his eyes off them. He sang to them, gently touched their cheeks with his finger.

He often pulls them close to his face, he says they smell so good, like a new car smell. Which technically I agree with, they are pretty new, and pretty damn perfect. Just like him.

"Anna?" Niall asked.


"Look how far we've come" his smile widened. "It's just mind blowing to me"

"Me too" I smiled looking down at Salem. "I really didn't think I'd in a relationship and have two kids at 24" I let out a small laugh

"I'm forever grateful for you" he smiled at me "since the day you helped me find my way around Chicago" we both let out a laugh.

I for some reason can't wrap my head around this, my life right now. I thought I would be stuck living at home, working at the clothing boutique for another 6 years at least.

I'm so happy Elle wanted to come home, we should actually be thanking Elle for us.

I pinch my arm, making sure this isn't a dream.


I look over at Salem, who is still sound asleep in her bassinet, then over at Ashton asleep in Niall's arms. I glanced at the clock next to him, 2:48 am.

I let out a sigh, and reached for my phone. The only thing I can really do at this time.

I looked through my camera roll, looking through all the pictures that were taken of me and the babies at the hospital. A few selfies of Niall, and our professional hospital pictures that were taken of the babies and us after we were settled.

I stared at each picture, Salem looks just like Niall, but so does Ashton. They have his eyes, nose, lips. Both brown hair, so I'm saying that comes from me. Other than that, they look just like him, perfect. After sending a few pictures out to my mom, and to Elle, I went on tik tok and mindlessly scrolled.

The bed shifted, I looked over and Niall as he brought Ashton closer into him. I took a picture of how perfect they look. I looked over at Salem waking up. I stood up walking her to the nursery to nurse her.

As she finished up, Niall walked in with Ashton. "Someone's getting a little hungry too"
I smiled at his sleepy face. "I'm sure he could eat too"  I let out a soft laugh, as he placed Ashton in my arms, taking Salem.

"I could eat" I whispered smiling. they weren't lying when they said nursing makes you so hungry.


I nodded

"I can make breakfast?"

I smiled and nodded "sure"

He came over and kissed my head, placing Salem into her crib, walking out, leaving me with our babies.

I let out a breath, looking down at my baby boy. "You sure can eat huh?" I chuckled. "Just like your dad"

I walked into the kitchen, holing the baby monitor in my hand. I wrapped my arms around Niall's warm body as he added batter to a pan.

"How are they?"

"Sound asleep." I took a step back, finding my way to a chair. I watched as he continued to make breakfast, his hair all messy, standing barefoot in his pajamas, he looks like a dad. I smile to myself.

"You're always starring."

"Can't help it" I smiled at him, taking a bite of my food he placed I front of me. "Something's are just meant to be stared at"

He let out a low laugh and shook his head.

I could stare at him and our babies forever.

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