Chapter 6

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Chapter 7: "Biding Time"

(Crying Over) Spilt Potions

by Azhure


Chapter 6 - Biding Time

"Oi! 'Mione!" Ron yelled as he rushed towards the Head Girl. "You seen Harry today?" he asked hopefully.

"Hey Ron!" Hermione waved as she saw Ron returning, his face red and flustered from Quidditch practice. He carried his broom across his shoulders, but as he drew closer, she saw that it was Harry's Firebolt, and not his own Cleansweep he carried. She shook her head to indicate she hadn't seen him. "I thought he'd be at your practice. This is the last game, after all."

The red head shook his head sadly. "Nope. He didn't show - again." Ron's tone verged on irritated, but he looked contrite as he saw the sad look in Hermione's eye. He sighed. "Well it just isn't fair 'Mione! Why does the team Captain, and the best Seeker ever, have to lose interest in the game with only a handful of matches remaining? I mean, I'm hoping he'll once again come out on match day at the last minute, but it's like he's a ghost. He's never at practices, and he barely says two words to the rest of the team. It's like he doesn't really care any more. He used to love flying!" Ron's dejected tone summed it up perfectly.

"I know what you mean Ron, but it isn't just Quidditch he's missing out on; it's like he barely cares about life any more! Ever since his breakdown... I feel like I'm treading on eggshells whenever I'm near him. Something's seriously wrong Ron. I'm really worried."

Ron snorted. "You're only getting worried now 'Mione? Hell, it's been months..." He scoffed sarcastically.

"Ron!" Hermione was exasperated.

"What?" Ron threw his arms up in the air in confusion. "Goodness knows 'Mione, I've tried bending over backwards to help him. He either ignores me and stares off into space, or just runs away back to that damn room of his. I'm not chasing him any more. I've given all I've got. Honestly. He stalks around this school in his own little world. He rarely sleeps in our dorm any more. Every now and then we see that his curtains have been moved, so he must come in occasionally, but he's never there when any of us are around." He indicates the broom. "He never even said anything when I first asked about practicing on his broom. He just tried to pretend I wasn't even there. So I just took it, to see if I'd get a reaction. I don't think he even noticed, or cared that it's gone!"

"Oh Ron! I know you've tried, and he's tried your patience, but don't think that you're the only one whom he's upset! You don't think that everyone's tried to help him get over his nervous breakdown? I've been there for him every day as well Ron, and on some days, I think I see a spark of the old Harry, but it never lasts for more than a few seconds. Dumbledore never said it was going to be easy, but we have to persevere with it Ron." They walked quietly as they got closer to the school steps, making their way up to Gryffindor Tower. "We're all he's got." She added as an after thought.

Finally, the red head sighed in frustration. "I know we're supposed to be there for him 'Mione, but it's hard you know. I mean, I give and give and give, and it barely makes a dent in that façade. I honestly don't think he's smiled since..." Ron thought hard. "I can't remember seeing him smile since we were on the train to school this year. At least he was smiling before Malfoy broke his jaw."

Hermione smiled at the memory. It had all seemed so long ago. "Yeah, I remember that. He did seem rather happy that day. I think he'd had a good summer. He never talked about, though. Did he say anything about it to you?"

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