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Chapter 11: "Epilogue"

(Crying Over) Spilt Potions

by Azhure


Chapter 10 - Epilogue

Harry's hands slid slowly down the sides of the naked body before him. The lines and curves were as he remembered. A year can usually make a difference, but for Harry, the desire - the need - the primal forces that lead him to this point - he remembered them as clearly as if he had been able to access them every day.

As for Draco, his body sung at the long forgotten touch. A touch he had craved, yet never dared to imagine he'd feel ever again. At first, things had proceeded slowly yet tentatively between the reunited lovers. They still had to work through the months of mistrust and self doubt, but they worked through it together. The joy of watching their daughter was an experience they shared daily, with anyone and everyone. She had both her fathers wrapped around her little finger, and she was only three months old.

Their joy was evident to anyone who watched them. Still, a number of friends were still getting over the shock of their now very public relationship. Harry hovered over Draco and his daughter, and Draco rarely ventured far from the little girl's side.

The Wizarding World had heralded Faith's role in helping her father destroy Voldemort. It was at Harry's constant insistence that it was a family effort - with Draco's dire situation being the impetus behind Harry's spectacular magic that destroyed Voldemort. If it wasn't for the true love Harry had for Draco and their daughter, he may not have been able to destroy the former Dark Lord.

It was Harry's complete refusal to take the credit alone that showed Draco they there was a good chance that they could now begin to live their lives - together. Harry was totally devoted to both blondes, their solidarity as they faced the world with a united front would eventually become the stuff of true romantic fairy tales.

Upon their reunion, their tentative minds wanted to take it slowly, but once their bodies met again, the passion ignited with an intensity not felt before by either man. Draco attributed their amazing passion to Harry's increased magical powers. Harry just plain thought that the idea of Draco's post pregnancy body was sexier than all hell, and his body responded accordingly.

Tonight was the first time that Draco wanted Harry to make love to him. It was three months since Faith was born, and he felt he could handle it. But don't think they were celibate in all that time. The pair explored each other's bodies thoroughly, and tried everything else that was physically capable of being done between two lust starved wizards. Madame Pomfrey had said Draco's body had healed perfectly from the birth, and he could resume 'normal' activities. The look on her face as she said this was priceless; neither Harry nor Draco would ever forget it. Perhaps their cheesy grins told her more than she cared to know.


Harry's tongue laved a path down the blonde's chest, being extra careful to avoid overstimulating Draco's thoroughly sensitive nipples. Despite not being able to breastfeed, the post pregnancy hormones were still running rampant through his body, and his nipples had never felt the same since Faith's birth.

"Harry..." Draco gasped in wanton pleasure. "I just wanted to make sure..."

"Draco, Faith is fine." Harry mumbled back in between kissing and nibbling Draco's belly button. His fingers traced paths over the now firm lines of Draco's stomach. "She's sleeping through the night now, and she will certainly tell us if she wakes." Harry knew Draco loved to talk as Harry caressed his body, and Harry hoped he could get the blonde to be too aroused to even make coherent words.

"But no, I just..." His voice sounded a little desperate, not with desire, but concern.

"...And I've closed off the floo for the night as well. I promise you won't find any stray Weasleys wandering into our lounge as we are in flagrante delicto." Harry hissed the last words and outstretched his arm as he summoned the salve. His wandless magic came without conscious thought now. He had not needed to replace his broken wand, but he had found that the occasional use of Draco's wand restricted his burgeoning powers. Draco rarely needed his wand either, his own wandless magic was also growing daily.

The salve flew swiftly into his opened hand. It was the same recipe that he had brewed a year ago - the last time he had made love to Draco. Draco had suggested some improvements to the mixture that increased the numbing properties of the salve, without affecting its effectiveness as a lubricant.

As Harry began unscrewing the lid of the jar, he moved and kissed his way down Draco's abdomen, reaching the blonde's own leaking hardness. He teased it ever so gently, licking it lightly, then blowing cold air on it, before taking the tip ever so lightly in his mouth, and running his tongue under the foreskin and tickling the slit.

"No... Harry... just... Oh Merlin..." Draco was practically incoherent from this treatment. It often worked wonders on his lover, but he still persisted in talking. Harry was so close to his own orgasm, he didn't want to have to prolong the agony and the ecstasy for much longer. He hadn't even prepared Draco yet, and he was ready to explode.

"Draco," Harry looked up into the blonde's face. "you watched me make this salve - hell - you even took over at one point... and," Harry put a finger on the blonde's protesting lips, "before you ask again, yes, I've practiced the Prophylaxis charm countless times. Everyone from Arthur Weasley right up to Professor Flitwick have double checked my ability to do it properly without a wand. Although to be honest, I was happier with Flitwick's confirmation. Somehow I didn't really trust Arthur's judgement."

With another wave of his hand, Harry quickly performed the charm, along with the other charms to protect his lover during their encounter. As Harry's lips and tongue worked their way back up to Draco's neck, nuzzling and licking and biting at the inviting flesh. He could sense that Draco was still concerned about something.

Harry stopped as he reached the full lips. They weren't heavy with desire, but firmly held together in barely concealed worry. "Draco? What's wrong?" Harry was anxious that perhaps he had misread the signals from Draco's body. They were screaming with desire, and Harry had sensed that is what he wanted. The blonde's face told a different story.

Realising Harry had stopped his teasing ministrations, Draco looked up into the deep green eyes. Harry had not misread the lust in his lover's reflected gaze, but there was a touch of fear and concern tinging their corners.

It was in moments like this that Draco knew Harry loved him without reservation, and he tried to say the same thing in his return gaze. The fact that Harry would deny himself his own pleasure if Draco asked, was testament to that love.

A merry twinkle fashioned itself in his smoky gaze.

"No it's nothing like that you wool headed Gryffindor. I know Faith is fine. I know the salve is going to help blow my mind away, and yes, I know that you can perform the Prophylaxis charm with your eyes shut and no wand. I just wanted to ask..."

"... have you washed your hands?"

The End


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