each other....

33 4 6

my sadness is noticeable

But my family doesn't see it

Because they wouldn't understand

Thats why i don't tell them how I'm really feeling

That's why i don't go to them for help

To one of them I'm stupid fat ugly and weird

Those words have haunted me for years

In school with my friends those words play in my head

Like a catchy song that won't get out of your head

Then the voices came to my head

Saying things far worse

I've lost my self confidence

I lost myself in a world of depression

My boyfriend can try and save me but I'm to far gone

Who knows one day I'll tell him "i'll text u later "

With no reply,later he gets worried

Then he hears about a girl

A girl who committed suicide the next day

And out it was his girlfriend who is me

Guilt will wash over him,when he doesn't deserve it

Thinking how he could've saved the girl he really liked

After all that thinkig he goes home and swallows a handful of pills

And sleep takes over him,only this one will be permanent

as he wakes up as a ghost looking down at his now dead body

He looks up and sees her,the girl he has missed so long

His girlfriend standing before him

She smiles and says "hi"

He lets out a sob and says "i missed you so much"

He runs to her side and hugs her

She puts her head up and wiped his tears away and says "i missed you more"

He lets out a chuckle and she laughs along

He leans in and so does she

And they share a kiss...

And as they part she takes his hand

She tells him "lets go"

He stops "in there" he says as he points to the light

"Yes" she replies and he says "i can go in there?"

She giggles and replies "yes you deserve to be in there. I like you a lot and i wasn't going to go in without you...we've been through a lot and now we can have peace..."

She holds his hand a little tighter and continues "forever..."

He smiles as they both walk in...

Into heaven...

poems by meWhere stories live. Discover now