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Everything came crashing down
We were so happy but then things changed

We didn't seem to be the same like we were at first
We still have love but it wasn't being shown the right way
I acted out, I took my negativity out on you

I had no right, there is no excuse
We both changed but I didn't have to behave in such a way

I love you dearly to pieces
Dear I know I've been unfair and your very dear and precious to me
I know you've heard it before but really

I am scared to lose you
Your very near and dear to my heart
You'll always have a special place in there
I know you probably don't believe me but I wanna try again and change myself

It can take awhile but know that I'm doing this for you because I never want to let you go
In the name of love ill do what I can to show how much you mean to me

Your like a white rose
Your thorns make you strong
Your beauty is memorizing
And you blossom so gorgeously
Delicate flower like that deserves love and care
I will always give that to you
I love you very much
And I will never change my mind
I just hope you dont.

poems by meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin