the poor old man

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the poor old man

sitting alone in his chair.....alone and in the dark

not to long ago his Angel was taken away

and she didn't do nothing wrong

she was loved by those around her

he couldn't help but go in that crime scene and hug her

and cry cause she was his wife that had so much to live for

and she never got the chance to see Paris

but all he can do was cry on her shoulder for minutes

but he had to let go but not just only physically

mentally she was there he pictured her everyday

with him as if she never left

he was taken away to the mental hospital

cause everyone was worried about him

even his daughter

she still never left his mind he gets worse and worse everyday

but then something snap the next day

the nurses found him past out on the floor

he had some kind of sickness that made him see hallucinations

but it was only of his Maria

it spread to his brain and it made him go insane

kinda like Guy De Maupassant but he died at 42

the old man died at age 50 which isn't really that old

but he is with her now and they are happy once more

but,at his funeral all they did was weep and let their tears out

for the poor old man is gone. . .

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