sky full of stars

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your a sky full of stars every night I'm happy to know your still here

i know your gone and away from me but i can feel you

cause your a sky full of stars now showing your beauty to everyone

i remember when you lied their in that hospital bed

you had cancer and you were reaching your end

even bald and pale you still looked beautiful

and that was the day i lost you i cried everyday

once you died the last thing you said was i love you

i didn't know that once you died you reached the sky

cause i went outside one night and noticed more stars in the sky

i haven't been outside since the day you died

i knew then that you are now a stars.....i miss you and i know you miss me too

but you know some day ill join you and well be together once more

we'll both be stars up in the sky and happy

ill see you soon but for now your a sky full of stars

and I'm happy knowing I'm watching you down from earth

and your watching me from up there in the sky

cause your a sky full of stars.....and i will always love you

from the moon and back

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