for those who want to die

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this is for those who want to end it all

before you reach the day you wanna die

go and live your life before you do

hang with friends

go to parties

spend time with family

and when the day comes that you wanna go

as you step on the edge

when you get that blade

before getting those pills

and hanging that rope

think of all the good times you had when you decided to leave the world

think of those that will miss you

think of what awaits you in life sure there will be bumps along the way

but remember that your not alone

stay cause you will be missed

they'll miss that smile

that contagious laugh

your unique style

get off the edge

throw that blade away

put away those pills

And drop that rope

remember there is someone who cares you just haven't seen it

ignore all negativity

and promise no matter what happens don't ever try and kill yourself again

your perfect in your own way and don't forget that

think of this before you go and if you still want to go think again and again and again

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