Invitations: Gina x EJ

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A/N: the next few chapters will take place at the end of May

Gina's POV

I was  studying for my studio dance exam and education final when my iphone rang. Usually my east high friends texted me if they wanted to catch up and my mom was the one to call my daily because she was worried about me, however EJ Caswell's photo was displayed brightly on the screen by surprise.

I had a small crush on him when I was a sophomore at East High but knew it wasn't going to happen so I just made good friends with him until he graduated and went to Duke in the fall. By the way, Duke isn't far from UNC last time I checked. After hearing my phone ring four times, I finally went outside to pick it up since my roommate was studying for her chem final. I wonder if EJ ever liked me? Nah, I'm too young and boring he wouldn't like someone like me, ecspecially since we graduated from East High.

"Hello? EJ, why are you calling me it's finals week at UNC," I yawned as I heard EJ's voice crack.

"Did you get Carlos' invitation? Are you going? I can drive you to the airport if you need a ride," EJ said as he yawned on the other line since it was after dinner time.

"Invitation? Is he having another high school musical party? Like, no offense I think one was enough," I stiffed a laugh since I did not know what invitation he was talking about.

"Good lord. No its better than a high school musical party. The entire East High Drama alumni is invited to spend a few days on the Disney wish. Apparently, Carlos has connections and hes paying for alot of it. So are you going? Wait, did you check your email?" EJ replied a bit too excitedly.

"What's the Disney Wish? How much does it cost? I'll put some of my tips from my campus job into it. Let me check my email right now," I press pause on the call and went to my personal email account to look for the fancy invitation that held all of the details for the reunion cruise.

"Gina, are you still there? Are you coming? Do you need a ride?" EJ said a few times since I unpaused him.

"I'll need some time to think about it. RSVP isn't till two weeks from now. How have you been?"

"I hope you can come. It's going to be so much fun. I used to go on cruises all the time before my parents tarted working again. I've been okay. Just trying to figure out what to do with my life. How are you?" EJ replied in the most confident voice ever.

"I've been super stressed but junior year of college is harder than I expected. Also, night shift at Starbucks is not as quiet as I though but money is money. I am hoping to be a dance teacher with an education background after all this hell," I said as I was starting to fall asleep on the column I was leaning on.

I seriously need to sleep more because its finals week and I have an on campus job.


E.J's POV:

Gina sounded tired and overworked. I knew how it felt to be a junior in college since I had been one before. I missed her fake smiles and feisty nature. She was kind of like me in a way, competitive and attractive. I never got a chance to tell her that I've always admired her in a romantic way I guess. She's always been stuck in my daydreams and I haven't stop wondering how she was doing.

So I guess I had to do her a favor? It wouldn't be fair to miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

"I'll pay for your plane ticket and I'll pick you up the day before we have to meet at the airport so we don't miss the flight. I'm sure you miss Seb and Carlos and the others. It wouldn't be fair if you had to miss out on the reunion trip and I am very persuasive I can talk to your boss if I have to," I blurted out through the phone while laying in my queen sized bed in my shared apartment place.

"Oh no. You don't have to do that thing you did last time EJ. I am perfectly capable of paying for a flight, but isn't a cruise a bit expensive for a bunch of college grads and newlyweds?" Gina yawned on the other side of the line.

"I'm sure Carlos has it all planned out. It says in the email his Uncle is on the staff list of the Disney Wish. I'll let you pay for the other things you want to. Just let me pay for the planet ticket and drive you to the airport please? You deserve a vacation. It only a week or so," I begged her since I knew she was working hard and needed a break.

"Fine but I am paying you back this time even if I have to get another summer job. I am actually doing an internship starting at the end of July so I need a break. I'll send you my campus info soon. I need to get back to studying," Gina replied since she was serious about the money this time.

"Good luck on finals! I know you will pass them all. Can't wait to see you again. It's been what a year? We have all changed for the good. I wonder if Miss Jenn was invited? Probably yes because Carlos loves her," I chuckled to myself and admired Gina's sleepy voice.

"I don't doubt that she would have gotten an invitation. I got to go now. Thanks for the call EJ. I miss you and everyone else. Kinda feels like long distance family. I guess I never get homesick cause I don't have one home," I could hear Gina tear up and get emotional over the phone. I kinda felt bad since I knew about her mom working a lot.

"Hey, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you. If you need a place to stay over the summer, I have a guest room. I'm sure my roommate wouldn't mind. Get some sleep and study hard. Goodnight, Gina," I replied before hanging up and starting to plan my road trip to UNC to pick her up since I moved away from Duke.

A/N: Is two different character POVs weird if I add all of the characters? I was inspired by Meliss De La Cruz book "HSMTMTS THE ROADTRIP" Also portwell ideas?

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