Day 2: You were a traitor (Ashlyn and Nini)

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A/N: Keep in mind I have never been to a spa or been on a cruise.

Ashlyn's POV:

Nini and I were walking to the Sense Spa since Carlos had made us a reservation after breakfast; and the awkward silence was becoming unbearable so I had to say something.

"Have you talked to Ricky yet?" I nudged her elbow as we walked towards the doors of the hopefully calm spa.

I was praying for an hour of no drama and just girl time. So far, that didn't seem to happen on this cruise ship

"I glanced at him at breakfast. Ash, it hurts to know that something might have happened when I went to YAC or when we were on that break in high school," Nini looked down glum and not her self.

"Well if it helps, I am here to listen. I haven't talked to Big Red yet. He seems to avoiding me more than I am avoiding him. I hope we don't run in to Gina at Sense Spa. This place seems nice and relaxing. We don't need drama today," I held onto her hand for support as we walked into the spa quietly to check in.

"Your party is waiting for you in the quiet area. you may undress in the bathrooms if you'd like and the refreshments are in the corner. Help yourself," A concierge assistant handed us two robes and a magazine with their nail color selections.

"Thanks," I responded since I realized that Carlos had planned all of the girls a spa day, not just the two of us.

"You gonna be okay, Nini?" I whispered as we quietly walked in to the restrooms to change into our robes.

Nini nodded to me as she walked into a stall.


Nini's POV:

To be honest, I was more worried about Ashlyn and Big Red than Ricky and I. Ashlyn has always been one of my best friends and a great advice giver. She seems to care more about others than herself. Hopefully, this spa day will allow her to have some self care time and then she can talk to Big Red because I really want them to get married.

Ricky and I have always had short-term fights and gotten over them or apologized to each other in some way, so I'm not worried about us. I just don't like the fact that Gina has caused trouble with my trust issues already and it's barely been 24 hours.

Ok, maybe I am a bit worried about Ricky because I don't know what his history with Gina is like.

"Hey guys, breakfast was awkward so let's try to have some self care time," Kourt said in a hushed voice as she walked into the private spa room with Gina and Natalie following along in robes.

(A/N: I totally forgot to add Steph or Rico or any of the other dancers. I will try my best to add them into scenes if I can remember the storyline in my head. There's a lot going on already. Also, I added some SOUR and S2 references ;)

I learned form Seb that nodding your head is better than starting a conversation so I did just that as we sat down in the comfy chairs to get mani pedis and hopefully not talk about last night.

Gina and Natalie seemed to be holding hands while they got pedicures together on one side of the room even though our chairs were close to each other. The awkward silence was real, I mean we weren't supposed to talk at a spa but what is going on with Gina and Natallie Bagley?

"Excuse me, could I please pick out another color for my manicure?" I asked the attendant doing my nails and looked over to Ashlyn who was sitting next to me relaxing for help.

"Of course, m'am. The list of colors is over there on the wall," the attendant showed me to the color wall.

I did want another color for my mani but that wasn't all. I just couldn't stand Gina being all comfy and relaxed after last night. Shouldn't she be hungover and full of regret, after what she did to my husband?

"Hey, I think a bright red shade for the mani with pearl white for the pedi, would like nice. You know go wildcats," Gina stood next to me refilling her cup with the jasmine tea they offered us.

"Thanks. I think a bright shade of Brown guilty eyes and little white lies. Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew that you'd talk to him, maybe did even worse I kept quiet so I could keep him away from you," I whispered to her quietly since we were away from the other girls seats.(OR:Traitor lyrics)

"What are you talking about?" Gina almost spit her tea out from choking.

"Did you have sex with Ricky when we were in high school and what secret address was it? Admit it, you were a traitor in high school, you were jealous of all of us because the drama club was full of couples. You were supposed to be my friend," I spat out in a whisper before i could stop myself from accusing her.

"I don't remember saying that and yes I was a bit jealous of everyone because my mom was working across the country and I was a minor living with a friend. I had no one. I swear I didn't touch your perfect attractive husband at all. Next time you want to accuse someone of doing something dirty like that don't do it at a spa. I am not a traior. You need to look the defintion up for that word," Gina spat at me in the quietest most angry tone she could to respect the workers and other girls at the spa and then rand out of the private room in her robe.

Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have accused her of being a jealous traitor from high school. I mean the past is the past, but I would like to know if my husband cheated on me when we were in a relationship in high school.

A/N: I honestly don't like this chapter but thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

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