Chapter 9

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3 November 1998 - One Day before the Full Moon

Draco wastes no time in starting preparations once he arrives at the Shrieking Shack. The sun had already been going down long before he had arrived, and now that he's here, the last of the warmth of the late fall sun is starting to fade.

He doesn't know how this is supposed to work... in September, her screams had made it sound agonizing. The Full Moon had been at its peak in midday. By the time he had arrived, she had been screaming and howling, but that was long after nightfall. In October, the Full Moon had reached its peak only a few hours after Sunset. He has to guess that that is why she had transformed so fast, so violently.

Tonight, the Full Moon wouldn't reach its peak until the late hours, nearly morning, only a half hour before the sun would begin to rise. Does that mean that her transformation will be slower? Does that mean it would be more agonizing, drawn out? He really doesn't understand how everything about werewolves works.

He sort of doubts Granger understands it either.

So all he can do is just... wait.

He conjures himself an armchair, a charm he had seen his father perform a number of times as a powermove, to show that only his own chair was the best for him. It had seemed stupid in his youth, but now as Draco settles into the chair, he's grateful for it.

He also brought with him a blanket to stay warm and food, given how he has skipped dinner and intends to stay all night. A Disillusionment charm completes his efforts, so that he can simply sit beside the window, keeping Granger company, watching her transition.

A crazy part of himself wishes he could be within, but he knows that isn't possible. Knows that wouldn't be safe. Obviously.

She is, after all, a werewolf about to transform on the full moon.

His side of the window is clean by the time she arrives, not that he really knows exactly when she arrives. He just knows that the sun is going down, and he can see a slight bit of movement from within.

The first board comes off, and then another, until eventually, Granger has every board pulled down from the window. A quick Scourgify has the window cleaned, and he can see her, as though there's nothing separating them.

He knows there's glass, and certainly some containment charms, given how she hadn't broken through the previous month...

"You're here," she says, staring back at him.

He can see her hands starting to shake, the stress lines across her forehead, the way she's rubbing at her forearms... the sun is almost fully set, and he can see her reacting to it.

"I said I would be," he confirms, speaking loudly, wanting to be certain she could hear him.

She stares at him, her head tilting to the side before she speaks. "Did you truly bring a chair and a blanket?"

"I conjured the chair," he says defensively. "But yes, I brought a blanket to stay warm, and food. I was rather cold and uncomfortable last month."

She scoffs, crossing her arms underneath her breasts. "I told you, you don't need to be here. I can do this by myself."

"I don't need to be here, but I can't sit up at the castle, knowing you're here by yourself," he challenges.

"Why do you care?" she asks, rushing towards the window, her nose nearly touching it.

He almost jumps back, but doesn't. She's close to the full moon, and the effects are obvious. She's jumpy and anxious, even with the potion in her.

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