Chapter 38

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3rd of March - One Day After the Full Moon

"What do the two of you have to say for yourselves?"

Draco freezes where he stands, feeling very much like a young wizard caught with candy in his pockets. He knows that it's so late that it could almost be considered morning, and he knows that it has been nearly a full day since he was last in the castle, and he knows that he's breaking all sort of levels of his probation, and yet...

Having Hermione happy, finally having a good moment, having a success... he had forgotten all about the fact that, the last time he had seen McGonagall, he had yelled at the woman that Hermione was in danger, and run off towards the Whomping Willow.

He hadn't really had two thoughts about the woman ever since, but as he stands there beside Hermione, caught sneaking back in, he realizes... she had been worried.

Swallowing hard, Draco looks to Hermione, hoping that she'll say something, because she's a Gryffindor, and that's her job, but she's just as frozen. After all, it's nearly five o'clock in the morning, and McGonagall is standing at the bottom of the steps still fully dressed, even wearing her hat.

What is there to even say?

"Headmistress," Hermione begins, but he can tell she's struggling.

"Don't tell me you've only just... have you only just shifted back?"

Draco has the sudden realization that lying to this woman would be a bad idea, but admitting to what they had been doing over the past few hours... that might be worse.

"She finally shifted back once the sun went down," Draco explains, and he squeezes Hermione's hand, trying to give her a bit of strength... and to get her to speak up some. "She was worn out. We're sorry for staying out so late, but-"

"You were in your... in your other form, during the day?" McGonagall asks quickly, her voice hushed slightly. "You spent all day like that?"

Hermione nods, and looks to him. He gives her a tight smile, and he knows, without her saying the words, just what she's thinking.

Yes, she had spent the day in her wolf form, and yes, she had been in pain, but she hadn't been alone.

"And you, Mister Malfoy," McGonagall says, her eyes thinning. "I think we should venture up to my office, immediately."

He swallows as he looks at Hermione, who is somehow not ready to drop, for once. He has to imagine it's the fact that they spent the time together. Something about that, about them being together, is giving her a new strength.

"Not you, Miss Granger," McGonagall says, and Draco is ready to protest, but Hermione interupts him before he can even begin.

"Draco and I are togther, Minerva," Hermione says, her voice sounding very clear and concise, as though she will take no argument. It takes him a moment to realize that she had just called the headmistress by her first name, however, and that shocks him... and the headmistress. "We are both adults, and, if you would like to speak to him... I intend to be at his side."

Draco looks from Hermione to McGonagall and back, and he doesn't know which will win the battle of wills, but... he wouldn't fight a werewolf the day after the Full Moon, that was for certain.

"I only wished to discuss his transfiguration," Minerva says softly. "And I thought you would like to go to the infirmary."

"There's no need," Hermione answers, and she squeezes his hand again. "I'm quite well, you see."

McGonagall looks her over and raises a brow, and he can hear the other woman's thinking. Yes, Granger is looking quite well. "Very well, then. To my office."

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