Final Chapter

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Midst of everyone enjoying their meal, Mike held Stella's hand firmly, their eyes locked in a loving gaze.

Robin, deep in thought, muttered to himself, "I never thought this moment would come."

Curiosity got the best of him, and he turned to Mike with a puzzled expression. "Mike, how did you manage to escape from Aiden? We saw he was surprisingly nice to you at the end of the session. You and Stella weren't even part of the session, yet he didn't complain. What happened?"

Mike's face lit up with a fond smile, and he began to recount the surprising turn of events. "He's the one who actually helped me get closer to Stella."

The revelation left everyone at the table in shock, eager to hear more about this unexpected twist in the story.

He's my friend. Long back, when I wasa small kid, I came here for the first time with my Dad due to some business deal with my father. I was staying at one of the luxurious hotels in the Aerobi.

Those days I was not the guy you all know. I was shy and did not have friends at all. Because of my stammering, I faced a lot of bullies in my school. So I made a shell to cover me all the time.

Everyone in that dining was looking at Mike interestingly at the same time, shockingly as if he was telling some thriller fiction story, and this wasn't easy to believe what Mike was saying. People considered Mike as one of the rowdy guys.

But today, everyone sees Mike's most vulnerable side, which he never tried to show.

That's why you pretended all the time so strongly that no one, not even their dreams, thinks about you to do bullies on you? Stella ended the conclusion, and Mike did not say anything instead of looking at the table with accepting her question silently. Stella held Mike's hand tightly, providing him with a sense of relief and assurance that he was no longer alone in this journey of healing and self-acceptance.

As the atmosphere around the dining table grew warmer and more supportive, Riana and Robin also took the opportunity to express their love and care for Mike, creating a sense of unity and understanding.

Mike managed a small but genuine smile and reassured himself, "Yeah, I am okay." He drew strength from the presence of Stella beside him, finding comfort and security in her unwavering support.

With the mood lighter and more connected than before, Robin couldn't contain his excitement about the unfolding story. He eagerly asked, "So, what happened next? How did you initially meet Aiden, and where is this story leading?"

As Mike's story unfolded, he continued, "While staying in Aerobi, my father had a business meeting, and I was left alone in my room, which had a perfect view of the beach from the window."

He went on, "I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be at the beach alone, and how much fun it could be. So, I made the decision to venture to the beach by myself. I sat there, basking in the view of the sea, and the soothing sound of the waves washed away all my stress and pain. It was like a healing balm for my body."

Mike's voice softened as he recounted the moment. "That's when I met Aiden. He's 4-5 years elder than me and was sitting near me, wearing a torn shirt, but his face was filled with a radiant happiness."

The story had taken an unexpected turn, and everyone at the dining table leaned in, eager to hear more about this chance encounter with Aiden.Hey, don't you think it's so wonderful," He started the conversation.

I was trying to decide whether to respond to him back or not. This is unusual to me. But I felt comfort that first time someone casually spoke with me like a friend. So I responded to him with my stammering voice, ""

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