Part 15

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Mike Proverb:

"Receive, receive... Come on, Stella, pick up my call!" I've tried like 20 times to reach her, but she's not answering her phone. I've been searching everywhere and even tried to call Riana, but her phone isn't connecting.

"Why couldn't I control my emotions? She's so innocent that she doesn't even know how to kiss! The way her lips moved and the passion in her voice was so contagious that I couldn't resist kissing her soft lips. They tasted like strawberries, and I lost myself in the sensation of those delicate, tempting lips."

"When she pushed me away while we were kissing, I regretted what I had just done, especially considering how unusual it was for her. Now she's disappeared somewhere, and I hope she doesn't do anything rash."

"Stella, please pick up the phone. I just want to tell you that what happened there was a mistake, and it will remain a secret between us. I promise it will never happen again."

"Yes, there's a possibility that she's going home. I should be there."

I rushed to the school parking without thinking, retrieved my bike, and felt some curious gazes from a few girls there. But in my mind, I had one goal – to find my Stella. "No, no, she's not mine. Don't overthink it, just find her. I am not even worthy of her" I started my bike and headed to her home.

"Knock, knock..." The doorbell rang.

"Why isn't anyone responding? Someone, please open the door! I can't think straight right now. I've never been this stressed in my life." I was about to knock again, but the door opened, and Stella's mom was standing there, looking completely shocked.


"Yeah, Aunty, sorry for coming home without an invitation, but could you please tell me if Stella's here or not? I just want to make sure she's okay."

"You don't need an invitation, son! Yeah, I mean, what happened? Stella was here just a few minutes ago before the school's end time, and now you're here. Is everything okay?" Her mom was both confused and concerned to see both of us there before school was over.

I took a deep sigh of relief and felt a little more relaxed, knowing she was at home.

"Yeah, Aunty, everything's fine! No need to worry. Actually, our class ended early, so we all decided to leave school ahead of schedule. But Stella left her book in the class, so I'm here to return it," I tried to convince her with a made-up story that came to mind on the spot.

"Awww, that's so sweet of you, Mike. But you could have returned it to her tomorrow as well. I'm glad you're her friend! So, come on in, and now I won't let you leave without having dinner," her mom said warmly. I never saw my mom, but if she were alive, she would probably be just like her.

"Aunty, may I meet with Stella in her room?" I requested her mom.

"Yeah, sure. She's up there," I ran upstairs without waiting for her to finish her sentence.

I knocked on the door of her room, but she didn't respond.

I entered without her permission and searched all around but couldn't find her anywhere. I called out her name, shouting, "Stella?"

"Please leave me alone," she yelled back, and I realized it was her, but she was nowhere to be found.

Where was she? "Where are you Stella?" I asked.

"Why are you here?" She shouted back, and I now realized she was hiding in a small space between the wall and the cupboard.

"You tell me first! Why are you hiding there?" I even suspected that she might be hiding to avoid showing her face.

"This is my room, and I can be anywhere I want. That shouldn't be your concern," she replied with the same intensity.

"Yeah, it would be a problem for me. Just come out of that place!" I requested her irritably to come out.

She finally came out in the same outfit, her eyes were red, and her cheeks were swollen, indicating she had been crying for a long time. She said with the same intensity, "What are you going to do now? Are you going to hit me? Or are you going to humiliate me in front of everyone? How lucky I am to have kissed the famous heartless Mike but not knowing how to kiss!"

"Stella..." I was just confused by what she was saying.

"Listen, Mike, whatever just happened there shouldn't have happened. I never imagined my first kiss would be with you, and it was a mistake. I'm regretting it," she said, breaking down in tears.

She's really considering it a mistake! I don't know why, but it felt like someone had brutally thrust a knife into my heart.

"Yeah, that's a..that's a.. mistake only," I tried to reassure her that what she was thinking was accurate, even though I felt differently.

But what happened to me? Just a few seconds ago, I was considering it a valid excuse, but when I heard it from her mouth, it didn't sound right at all. She was sitting on the floor with her face downturned, tears continuously streaming from her eyes, which I couldn't ignore.

So I closed my eyes, trying to forget the pain that was troubling me deep inside. I took a deep breath, clenched my fist, and finally bent down to get a closer look at her face.

"Stella, I'm sorry for whatever happened there. It's not your mistake, and you don't have to regret the way you acted. Just forget it, and I promise you it'll always stay between us," I said, and the only I care about now is her well-being.

She stopped crying but continued to look at the floor without turning her gaze toward me.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Hopefully, you can try to forget it as a bad dream," I said, and I left her room without expecting any response from her.

"Mike, aren't you supposed to have dinner here?" her mother called me back as I was hastily leaving their home.

"Sorry, aunty, it's really late today! Tomorrow we have a test, so I need to be home early. I'll definitely come next time after Aerobi," I replied, attempting to appear normal.

"Oh, it's okay, son. But I'm just worried about Stella. She's never gone anywhere, so I don't know how she'll manage to be away from home for two days," I could hear the concern in her voice.

"No problem, I'll be there, aunty," I said without even thinking, and then I said my goodbyes and left their home quickly.

#Thanks for reading this chapter and hope you guys like it.

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