Chapter 1 - Dear Jean Hanson.

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June 24th, 2014.
Current year.

Dear Jean Hanson,

I know we haven't talked for the longest time but, I can't get you out of my head.

Every night I have a recurring dream that you are meant to be here. You're meant to play that role Jean, you're just...perfect for it.

Also, I know we didn't end things on good terms- and I am so sorry for what I have done. It never was, and never will be my intention to hurt you...

I love you too much to hurt you Jean...

Anyway, please respond to this letter as soon as possible.

Sincerely, your friend.



"Fucking prick." I spit out, throwing the letter across the room.

"Woah there, that paper didn't do anything to you." Hunter says to me, walking over to her desk across from mine. She picks up the letter and reads it while sipping her coffee. "Nevermind. I take back what I said." She scoffs, crumpling up the paper and throwing it away.

I chuckle and look up to the ceiling shaking my head. "Who does that man think he is." I whisper.

"Some sort of Saint I'm guessing. Knowing him he probably thinks he's the lord himself." Hunter says, throwing some grapes in her mouth.

"That'd be the day I'd call him a Saint." I say, gathering the papers on my desk and giving them to Hunter.

"Ugh, c'mon I just got done with Ashley's work, now I have to do yours too?" She whines.

I chuckle and lightly hit her shoulder. "You signed up for it baby." I walk over to our table of condiments and other sorts.

"When I took this job I thought I'd actually be doing something helpful." She tells me turning her chair so she can face me.

I smile at her a bit. "You are doing something helpful, you're literally making a movie." I walk back over to my desk with my coffee.

"Oh yeah, I forgot one of my script writers couldn't do her job." She stares at me with her eyebrows raised.

I give her a innocent smile. "I am.." I put my hand in front of me, cutting off whatever she was going to say. "Which is very, very helpful by the way." I put on a fake professional voice.

"Oh please." She rolls her eyes and groans. "You're literally an actress and writer, you're supposed to be good at what you do."

I gasp and chuckle a bit. "Oh I'm sorry, is my incredible talent not enough for you?" I act offended.

"Yes actually- your 'incredible talent' makes me have to do more work." She says, quoting my words with her fingers.

"I think you should respect your employees a little bit more..." I say quietly, keeping eye contact with her as I sip my coffee.

She rolls her eyes and starts scribbling stuff on her paper. I take this opportunity to start speaking. "You'll have to tell Ash to find me some more cast members. I can't be the only one in this movie."

She raises her head to look at me when she speaks. "Yeah I know, things have just been kind of hectic recently." She pauses writing something down. "Buuut she did find some people she thought i might be interested in..." She types quickly on her computer, eyes flashing up to the screen once in a while."Here it is." She says to herself clicking her mouse a couple of times. "I sent you an email with the details on why she thinks they will be a good fit, and how they are professionally."

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