Chapter 4 - Wanna Meet Up Later?

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"That's it?" Hunter asks me.

I told her what happened at the restaurant when we got home, she was frustrated because she thought he did something.

"yeah." I stare at the floor, picking at my nails.

"okay.. uhm i'm gonna go shower do you wanna come or are you gonna wait for me to be done?" She asks me.

I sigh and look up at her, trying to decide. "I'll come in too."

She nods and we head to the bathroom. we undress without saying a word, in more of a comfortable silence. i turn on the water and we both wait for it to get warm, shivering a bit. Finally it gets warm enough and we are able to step inside, I run my hands through my hair, loosening the gel in it. i close my eyes to the warm water running down my body, tilting my head back.

I snap out of it a little bit when i feel hunters arms wrap around my waist from behind me, "let me take care of you," she softly says into my ear, "you've had such a long day and i feel so bad." She plants a small kiss on my shoulder.

I relax into her, letting my fully take in the way her hands are gently grazing my skin, giving me goosebumps. "okay." I say softly.

She nods and continues comforting me and giving me words of encouragement. Before i can even think she's washing my hair just right, and letting it run out of my hair from the water. I barely even remember her doing her own stuff i was so out of it.


"Please let me make you something Jean, you've barely eaten all day."

I groan into the pillow, "I don't know what i want."

"I can make pasta if you want me to." Hunter suggests.

I lift my head up, "really? That would be amazing." i smile softly.

She nods, "i'll get it started but don't fall asleep okay?"

i smile a little, "no promises."

she rolls her eyes and walks out of my room to the kitchen. i giggle to myself and stretch, closing my eyes, starting to relax. but i get interrupted by my phone buzzing. i look at it to see a text from an unknown number.

UNKNOWN: what r u doing tn?

who are you? :me

UNKNOWN: harry.

I stare at the message confused, how the fuck did he get my number?

how did you get my number? :me

h: not important, could u answer my question?

im not doing anything, why? :me

h: was asking for a friend.

who? :me

h: dw abt it.

I stare at my phone screen beyond confused, and then he sends me a photo. i open it quicker than i probably should've, jaw dropping. his eyes are so red with huge pupils, and a stupid little smirk on his face. his hair is messier than usual but it doesn't look bad. then he texts me again.

h: can u tell?

oh no not at all.. :me

h: are you lying to me, Ms. Hanson?

i stare at the message, deciding not to answer. i toss my phone a bit away from me, chewing on my nails. i mean who could've willingly given him my number, what friend was asking what i was doing, and where is he being that high?

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