Chapter 3 - This is a Fucking Shitshow.

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We have all collectively decided that Harry is getting the role for Ian, which is great yes absolutely.

For him.

Not for me because I'm the other main character, who is also the love interest.

"when does rehearsal start?" I ask Hunter.

"I'd like to start soon, but i also need time to mentally and physically prepare myself for how ever long we take shooting this movie." She answers.

I nod and quickly change out of my pjs and into low rise jeans and a wife beater that is a little too tight on me. "anyway, how do i look?" i ask her.

she smiles. "amazing as always."

i smile back and put on my shoes. "i'm excited for this photo shoot, i can finally post about the progress and news about the movie. i'm really hoping people will like your choices."

"i'm sure they will babe, our cast is like full of talented, amazing, hot people. you have nothing to worry about." hunter says, walking out of my room.

i take a deep breath and follow her shortly after. being excited about this movie is an understatement, but i still feel so much anxiety. it's gonna take a lot of work and time, and it's definitely gonna challenge me. i can't help but to stress over how these next few months are gonna go.

I turn on music to drown out the silence in the car and the noises in my head, i'm so fucking nervous i feel like i'm gonna puke.

Hunter turns down the music, "Do you need to pull over? Because you look like you're about to puke everywhere."

I clear my throat and shake my head, "No it's okay, m'just nervous."

"Okay." She says quietly, turning the music back up and resting her hand on my thigh.

After that short drive we arrive to set. I park my car and take a deep breath, "you ready?" i ask Hunter.

"Are you ready?" she shoots back.

"Yeah i think so." I turn off my car and we get out. it seems like we are a little late because they are quite a few cars here.

"Heyyyyy babe!" Jake spots me and is using both hands to wave us in his direction.

"Hiii!" I say to him giving him a big hug. We chat a little bit before him and Hunter start talking, which gives me a chance to scope out everything else.

"Where you heading?" I hear his voice ask.

I turn around and face him, trying to look as annoyed as i can. "looking at the set that i'm working with."

He gives me a once over, clearing his throat. "I'm very excited to work with you Ms. Hanson- even if you think i'm lying."

I narrow my eyes at him and start to think of a bitchy comment before my train of thought gets interrupted.

"Mr. Styles!" Jake says to him with so much enthusiasm i could puke. "We are very excited to have you here, in a moment our stylist will come fetch ya. Sound good?"

"I'm glad that some are excited to have me here," he looks at me for a second and then back at Jake, "but that sounds lovely, thank you."

"Of course sir, let us know if you need anything." Jake says smiling and glancing at me, mouthing 'sorry' as he walks away.

"How come you're so sweet to everyone but me?" i ask raising my eyebrow.

His small smile fades quickly, "i treat you with respect. unless you don't want me to."

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