Chapter four

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After the 20 questions debacle 28 went missing. When he says missing, he means missing. The day after they played the game 28 was nowhere to be seen. He spent hour searching for him but came up with nothing. He went to Niall's lab to see if maybe he knew where 28 was.

He knocked on the laboratory door and Niall opened it smiling. He strolled in and sat down at a stool next to Niall's workspace.

"Why do you look so upset" Niall asked.

"28" he sighed.

"What did he do" Niall asked.

"I messed everything up" he said sighing and putting his head down on the desk. "we were playing 20 questions and I asked a question he didn't like, and now he is missing" he explained.

"Why would you ever play 20 questions with him" Niall asked confused.

"Liam wanted us to bond, so he made us play 20 questions to get to know each other better" he explained.

"Really, well what did he tell you" Niall asked.

"He has no siblings, he's straight, he looks up to Liam, he's killed a lot of people, people call him many different things, and uh yeah that's it" he said.

"What aren't you telling me" Niall asked.

"He told me how long he has been in the underground" he said.

"What, he never tells that to anyone" Niall said surprised.

"I guess I'm special" he said chuckling.

"How long has he been here" Niall asked.

"He told me not to tell anyone" he said.

"I won't tell anyone. I just want to know him better; I want us all to be friends" Niall said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, he's been here for twelve years" whispered.

"What" Niall yelled, gaining them some confused stares by random lab techs.

"Shh, that's what he said. He said he's been here for twelve years and has been in the field for ten" he explained.

"He has been here since he was nine. Twelve years wow, no wonder he doesn't tell anyone" Niall said still shocked.

"You can't tell anyone" he said sternly.

"I won't I promise. Wait can I tell Zayn; I won't tell anyone but him" Niall said.

"Fine you can tell him. But you and Zayn can't tell anyone else, he already doesn't like me and if he finds out I told you he will hate me" he said.

"I promise, it will be fine" Niall told him.

"I need to find him; will you help me" he asked.

"I would but I have a deadline for this new bomb I'm working on. I can't leave the lab right now sorry. You should go ask Liam if he knows where 28 is. Liam usually knows where 28 is, he usually keeps track of him" Niall said.

"Yeah, I'll go talk to Liam" he said.

"See you later Harry, good luck" Niall yelled.

"Bye" he responded before walking out the door.

He wandered through the halls to Liam's office. He knocked on the door.

"Come in" Liam yelled from inside his office.

He opened the door and walked into the spacious sleek office.

"Ah Harry, what can I do for you, have a seat" Liam asked.

He did what Liam said and had a seat in the leather chair opposite of Liam.

"I was wondering if you knew where 28 was" he said.

"28" Liam said confused. "He should be around the base somewhere, have you looked for him" Liam asked.

"I looked everywhere; he isn't anywhere" he said.

"When did you see him last" Liam asked.

"I saw him last night when we were playing 20 questions. He got upset and ran away" he said.

"Shit, I was afraid of this happening. Do you know why he was upset" Liam asked.

"Um well he looked sad when we talked about siblings and family, and he stormed out when I mentioned the room" he explained.

"The room" Liam asked confused.

"Yeah, I heard you and him talking about a room. You threatened to send him to his room, and he looked scared, so I wanted to know why. He wouldn't tell me, and I think I pushed it too far" he explained.

"Oh God no. I'm sorry Harry but I have to go deal with something" Liam said rushing out of the room.

He was left shocked and confused. Liam rushed out so fast. He decided that instead of continuing to look for 28, he should do something more productive. He went to his room and quickly got changed into his workout attire. On his way to Training room #3 he heard screaming coming from the room he was told not to go in. He heard the voices screaming and recognized them, they were Liam and 28. He pressed his ear to the door and listened to the conversation.


"L, you can't keep doing this" Liam said.

"I have to" 28 said. 28 seemed to be crying.

"Hays is gone he can't make you do this anymore. You don't have to come here anymore" Liam said comfortingly.

"I have to, he knows to much" 28 sobbed.

"Open up to someone Lou. I know you don't like when things get personal, but you have to at some point" Liam said.

"But Hays- "28 started.

"He's gone, he's dead he can't force you to do anything anymore. I know I should have stopped Hays, I'm so sorry Lou. I wish I could change things, but I can't. But you can move on, you can be happy. Harry seems like he will be a great partner, please give him a chance" Liam said.

"Fine, I'll do it for you" 28 said.

"Okay Lou go do some work, no coming back to this room" Liam said.


He heard them shuffling around the room, so he backed away. He ran and hid behind the corner. Liam and 28 stepped out of the room. Liam went back to his office. 28 however noticed him hiding behind the corners and his eyes went wide.

28 immediately rushed into his room and slammed the door. Harry had so many questions. Was 28's name Lou? Who was Hays? he hoped that one day 28 would trust him enough to tell him everything.

I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you for reading ❤️

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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