Chapter sixteen

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They woke up together in his bed. They didn't fall asleep spooning, but when they woke up Louis was spooning him from behind. He could feel the warmth radiating off of Louis and it was undeniably comforting.

"Good morning, Hazza" Louis said nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck.

"Good morning, love" he said back.

"It's the first day of vacation" Louis said.

"I know, are you excited" he asked.

"Yeah, but a little scared as well" Louis admitted earnestly.

"What is there to be nervous about" he asked.

"Harry, I'm meeting your family. What if they don't like me" Louis said.

"They will love you, because I love you" he said.

"You think so" Louis asked.

"I know so Lou" he said.

They stayed in bed for a while until they finally had to get up. He was a morning person, but because of Louis all he wanted to do was stay in bed all day. Louis went back to his own room to pack, while he stayed in his room and packed his own bags. 

He was really excited for his family to meet Louis. They were going to love him for sure. He knew that Louis had some reservations about it, but he knew that it was going to go well. His mum was going to love Louis. Louis seemed all tough and intimidating but underneath it all he was a sweet little cinnamon roll.

He grabbed his packed bags, after getting dressed, and went to Louis room. He knocked on the door and opened the door. The sight that he saw was hilarious. Louis had his bag packed to the brim and he was running around the room shirtless looking for something. The sight of a frazzled Louis made him laugh out loud.

"What are you looking for" he asked laughing a little.

"I can't find my favorite shirt" Louis yelled still looking aimlessly around the room.

"It's okay it's just a shirt" he said.

Louis stopped dead in his tracks and starred at him in disbelief.

"It is not just a shirt" Louis said seriously.

"Then what is it" he asked confused.

"It is my favorite shirt; I need it to make a great impression" Louis sighed.

"Fine, even though you don't need a shirt to make a good impression, I'll help you look" he said.

They looked for about ten minutes until they finally found it. Louis found it in the depths of his closet and bounced around cheering when he pulled it out of the closet.

"Now that you have your shirt can you calm down" he asked.

"Yes, now that I have my shirt everything will be fine" Louis sighed.

Louis put his dark blue button up shirt on. It did look amazing on him. Though, he definitely could tell why it was his favorite shirt. It made his beautiful blue eyes pop.

"Are you ready to go now" he asked.

"Yes, wait no. I need you to zip up my suitcase while I sit on it" Louis said.

"You pack way too much" he said.

"I need it all" Louis defended. 

"Fine" he sighed.

He zipped up the suitcase while Louis sat on top, to say it was a struggle was an understatement. After everything was finally sorted, they grabbed their bags and left Louis room. He was walking at a steady pace towards the garage and didn't even notice how far Louis was behind him. Louis was struggling behind him to drag his heavy suitcase.

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