(2) Captured

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"Now you'll see why you and your idiot shinobi are no match for me you little girl." Testified Hidan, as he locked eyes with h/c shoulder length haired girl. Y/n didn't know what she was going to do yet to save her kage and defeat this akatsuki member but she knew that that man was gonna be a handful to fight. She had to be successful with this mission, afterall she was one of the best kunoichi in her village.

"This is going to hurt like hell for you but it'll feel so good for me." Purple eyes snickered nonchalantly. Suddenly he whips out a metal spear out of nowhere. He forcefully jabbed the spear into his left shoulder just right above his pec. He cried out but not out of pain, it sounded like he enjoyed it, like a pleasurable kind of pain. Suddenly my comrade draws blood from his left shoulder, he screams out in agony. 

"Shit" Y/n croaked. "His jutsu is literally fatal, that's why he said it would hurt my teammate but not him." 

Y/n's other teammates took advantage of the situation despite them catching onto the akatsuki member's jutsu they noticed the scythe user had left an opening for them to rescue back the Yukikage. Surprisingly he was still unconscious since this entire ordeal started, they must've done something to him for him to have stayed in this state for so long. As my teammates were going to grab our village's kage I took it upon myself to distract the purple eyed ritual user. 

"Hey a-kat-su-ki!" Y/n shouted annunciatingly to get the member's attention. Hidan in a split second averted his eyes from the blond shinobi he'd enjoyed torturing, right before he was going to put the spear into his right thigh, to get payback for his little ice jutsu he tried on Hidan earlier. Hidan and the e/c eyed kunoichi. She has pretty eyes. Hidan thought. He quickly shook his head and got back into one of his favourite feelings of adrenaline and fighting. 

"What do you want little girl? Can't you see I'm busy? *Tsk* no one has respect for the work I do for Lord Jashin these days!" Hidan ranted. Before he knew it the fucking snow shinobi had already taken back their kage. "SHIT!" Hissed Hidan. "Fuck, what the fuck am I going to do now? I need that kage or else it's gonna be troublesome." Babbled Hidan. "Where's that explosion obsessed maniac when you need him?" Hidan groaned. 

"Stop picking on my comrade, you're new opponent is me. I'm sure this'll be an easy match for you since you think I'm so little."  Preached Y/n with a slight grin of excitement to see if she could defeat an akatsuki member on her own. Hidan looked at her dumbfounded.

"I have my ritual and my markings all setup, it's against my religion to just quit without finishing the job you know." Warned Hidan with the crazed look of epinephrine. Hidan knew that the baggy clothed kunoichi would be persistent in fighting him so he had to finish the job quickly. 

"Come on purple eyes, don't be a pussy and show me how 'immortal' you really are." Sneered Y/n. She was waiting for him to do something, something she knew would be "unpredictable" for him but very predictable for you to see. 

"So eager to fight me I see. You'll have to wait your turn, I have my hands tied up at the moment, and it doesn't help that you've taken back what we've stolen." Lectured Hidan in a subtly playful tone. He knew that Deidara would catch up to him soon enough but that he had to speed this fighting process up. Hidan glanced at the blond shinobi who was currently still wincing from the (what Hidan could best try to imagine) pain in his left shoulder. Hidan felt sort of pity on him that he's been like this for almost 15 minutes and comrades haven't done anything to help him. Oh well, might as well end his suffering quickly.  Hidan thought to himself. He eyes down the h/c haired girl once more before giving her a toothy grin. He suddenly pierces himself with the metal spear into the middle of his chest. Hidan cried out in pleasure, the blond shinobi is immediately crying out in pain.

Hidan the Jashinist: A Fem!Reader x Hidan StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum