(14) Breakfast and Dip

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Once you guys had stopped with your conversation from last night you both went to sleep. Neither of you really could pinpoint on how the other was truly feeling. 

Hidan was conflicted on his feelings and what he should do. He knows that the outcome that he would want is the most unrealistic. He wanted you to stay here with him and become apart of the akatsuki, you two could become the perfect duo in combat. Although he knew it was a selfish thought for him to ask of you. He knew you had a life back in your village, you were a valued citizen and shinobi he couldn't ask you to become a rogue ninja for him just because of him. He was thinking of the future for himself "would he get over you?", "was this just a fling with extra emotions?", and "how will things go if and when you leave?".

There were so many things flooding his mind, that he couldn't organize them properly nor think about the situation in the present time. He had woken up long before you did and he was now looking at your beautiful sleeping figure, your hair was in tatters, but nice ones. Your mouth was slightly open just enough for him to see your two front teeth. You were snoring lightly. 

He knew he could be an absolute bastard and that he was never the best person in the world. He had never really loved anyone except his parents, it was always one person after another. He had never had a problem with seeing people die nor killing them himself. After his parents died he never wanted to feel the vulnerability of knowing that he could die at any moment. Therefore he made a pact with Lord Jashin for him to become immortal. In exchange he has to make sacrifices to him by taking other people's lives, when you think about it, the deal actually makes sense, an eye for an eye if you will. 

He loved how you were similar to him, yet minus all his bad qualities. He knew you must have your own bad qualities but he just didn't want notice them or ask about them, he didn't know whether this was love, it was the question he kept coming back to despite his mind being messed up at the moment.

"When was the last time you ate?" He whispered aloud. 

He wanted to think of other things to distract himself, but this was a genuine question. He couldn't recall the last time you had eaten, or if you had ever eaten in front of him. God damn you've been here for so long that he couldn't even recall if you had been starved or not. 

He slowly got off the bed slowly and quietly enough for you to not be disturbed out of your peaceful slumber. He creaked open his bedroom door all the while keeping his eyes on you to make sure you'd be okay. He closed the door and walked down the hall where he knew there was entire pantry of food and cooking needs.

He never really used it because he had grown accustomed to take out, and was never good at the whole cooking thing per say. Although he'd be willing to take a shot at it for you.

He got to the makeshift kitchen/pantry and opened the doors. He had been here on a few occasions but had never taken the time to take it all in. It was great full of food and you know cooking shit. 

He soon found a fridge, he pulled on the handle and found an abundance of food.

"Holy shit, this could end world fucking hunger." He exclaimed surprisingly. 

What should I make this woman? Does she like eggs? I do but I can't make them for shit. Pancakes? Waffles? Shit this is so hard. 

Hidan was scratching his scalp roughly with both hands until he heard someone come in. 

"Oh it's you." Hidan said.

Hidan laid eyes on the emotionless sharingan user in front of him. He looked like he had just woken up. He looks like shit, or maybe it's those shitty eye lines or bags whatever the fuck they are.

Hidan the Jashinist: A Fem!Reader x Hidan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now