(11) Bipolar

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You woke up with the sunlight hitting your eyes through the covers of the bed. Hazily you sat up on the bed, with your back against the bed frame. You looked over to where Hidan was the night before and quickly realized he wasn't there anymore. 

You looked around his room from where you were seated and realized he actually wasn't anywhere in sight. Everything seemed to be in order, nothing out of place, the closet was organized as usual, the front door was closed too.

"Man this would be a great opportunity to escape right now. But seriously where is this immortal idiot?"  You said out loud. You decided to get up from the bed, you stretched out your body thoroughly until you felt energized enough. 

You looked under the bed to see if Hidan's weapon was still there, and low and behold it wasn't. You sat down, criss cross applesauce with your face facing the window.  Damn did this motherfucker really just leave me all by myself? I could easily leave right now. Although who knows what akatsuki members might be here, I could lose easily if I'm outnumbered.   

As you were spaced out in your mind, thoughts wandering all over with your chin in hand, you heard the front door open. You were startled by the sudden noise. You quickly turned around and stood up quickly ready for anything that came at you. 

Hidan was at the door, scythe in hand he was in his akatsuki robe and you saw his Jashinist necklace on his neck too. Upon further analyzation of his entire appearance you noticed that there were splatters of blood on his face, his robe, and some on the scythe. He looked at you and he gave you a small smile.

"So you're awake already? Good we have to do that stupid letter thing with Deidara in like two hours, so get ready." Hidan said nonchalantly.

He's covered in blood and in his fighting attire, he's acting so aloof. "How long have you been gone?" You asked. 

"Uhhh... I don't know like 3 hours?" He responded.

"Damn. What time is it?" You asked.

"It's ten am." He said.

Shit I slept a lot, probably from the events that happened last night tired me out. "Why're you covered in blood?" You asked. 

"*Sigh* gosh I didn't know you asked so many questions in the morning. If you still wanna know later on then I'll tell you, but for now shut your mouth and get ready, I bet you have morning breath, which is gross." Explained Hidan. 

"Well I wanna know now." You complained. 

"Shut up, we're not dating nor are you my mom I don't have to tell you shit if I don't want to." Scolded Hidan.

You looked at him in disbelief, you had been awake for a total of twenty minutes now and you guys were already bickering.

"Who wouldn't ask someone why they're covered in blood and acting so calm?" Divulged Y/n.

"Bitches who know how to mind their business, and who aren't attached. Didn't I tell you Y/n? You're an object to me, what you are to me is someone who fulfills my sexual needs. Nothing else so stop fucking asking me shit as if you deserve to know." Reiterated Hidan. 

You could feel the warmth arising from your cheeks. I thought he only said those things in the heat of the moment. He can't actually mean it right? 

"You're such a fucking asshole, I don't wanna be around you, you bipolar immortal freak." You scoffed.  

Shit why'd I get so angry when she asked me why I was covered in blood? Why'd I say that shit to her? Am I pushing away the obvious feelings I have for her and substituting it for anger and petty comments? Hidan thought. I just don't wanna get attached.

Hidan the Jashinist: A Fem!Reader x Hidan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now