Chapter Three

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//They all go inside the Torchwood Hub and Rory and Amy are looking around in amazement//
Amy: WOW
Gwen: Impressive isn't it
Ianto: Right then coffee and biscuits on their way (he goes to put the kettle on)
Jack: Let's go to the meeting room, this way (he takes them into the meeting room and Ianto brings a tray in) ah lovely Ianto
Doctor: Oooooooo Jammie Dodgers(takes the whole plate)
River: Seriously (she rolls her eyes)
Doctor: What?
Jack:(confused) Erm ok then let's get started
Gwen: Good idea (she puts up the first slide) as you can see here all of the shops had a full supply of bananas last week but if you look here (she changes the slide) from this weekend they had all vanished
Ianto: It's live they vanished into thin air
Jack: And we can't handle it on our own, which is why(gets interrupted)
Doctor: Which is why you sent for me
River: I'm sure we'll all be able to solve this by working together, right sweetie
Doctor: Right dear, now Amy and Rory go with Gwen and she'll show you how to work everything to then transfer clips to me and River who will be in the TARDIS, and Jack
Jack: Yes Doctor?
Doctor: You and Ianto are to go around all the shops to looks for anything suspicious
Jack: Sounds like a plan (winks at Ianto) right we all know what we're doing so we'll meet back here to gather what we've discovered and find out what to do next
Gwen: Right then, Amy, Rory this way
Ianto: (gets Jack's coat) Let's go sir

//Everyone leaves except the Doctor and River who is looking worried//

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