Chapter Nine

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//They all Enter the TARDIS and Gwen and Ianto look around in amazement//
Gwen: It .. it's bigger .. on the inside
Ianto: Oh my god
Doctor: Rory please try to settle them we have work to do
Rory: Again Doctor seriously
Amy: Come here (she kisses him gently)
Rory: Thanks Amy (he turns to Gwen and Ianto) it's short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space and can travel in space and time
Ianto: I never believed it was real from what Jack had said
Gwen: I always thought he was joking but this is unbelievable
Doctor: Ok you've had long enough now back to work (glances at River) River come look at this
River: What is it?
Doctor: It's the extra footage we got and that (he zooms in) looks very suspicious
Jack: We're going to have to send someone back to the shop
Rory: I'll go, me and Amy need some shopping anyway
Doctor: Ok Rory but how are we going to keep in contact with you, without being suspicious?
Gwen: The Torchwood contact lenses (she pulls them out of her pocket)
Jack: Brilliant Gwen
Rory: Sorry what
Gwen: Put these in(she hands the lenses to Rory and he puts them in) Jack does the TARDIS have the EYE-5 software?
Jack: No but (he puts a pendrive into the TARDIS scanner) now it does
Gwen: Brilliant, now is there a keyboard anywhere
Amy: Here (she passes Gwen a keyboard)
Gwen: Perfect (she starts typing)
Rory: Wowwww that's so cool
Doctor: Perfect off you pop Mr Pond
River: Good luck dad
Amy: Come here (she kisses him luck and he leaves)
Jack, Gwen and Ianto: Wait what
Doctor: What
Jack: So you're married to River and Amy and Rory are married
Doctor: Yes
Gwen: So how the hell can River be their daughter?
River: It's complicated
Doctor: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Ianto: That doesn't make sense
Jack: Well I understand perfectly well
Doctor: How?
Jack: Because I'm the Captain
Everyone: (laughing)

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