Chapter Fifteen

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Gwen: Jack stop browsing we have a job to do here
Jack: Sorry
Doctor: Be careful Captain, River go with him
River: Fine, hey Jack wait up

//River and Jack go into the passage back to the door//

River:(manages to open the door) Yes
Jack: Good job now guns up we don't know what's in here (they both put their guns up)
River: Woahhhh (notices a silent guarding Rory who's still unconscious) Jack keep your eye on that we mustn't forget (she shoots it but Jack tells her there's more) Jack you take Rory out of here I need my badass moment

//Jack drags Rory out of the room and River starts shooting the silence before slowly backing out remembering to write how many silence they saw on her arm and shutting the door//

Rory:(comes around) What's going on .. ahhh (feels his head (sees typing)
Gwen: (typing) Oh my god Rory you're ok we're back in the TARDIS meet Ianto at the entrance and he'll bring you all back
River: Are you ok dad?
Rory: Yes, Gwen just sent a message through saying they're in the TARDIS and that Ianto is waiting for us at the exit
Jack: Brilliant

//They leave the passage and meet Ianto//

Ianto: What happened?
River: We'll explain in the TARDIS now help us with Jack (who's limping)

//They arrive at the TARDIS//

Amy: Oh my god (goes up to Rory and kisses him passionately)
Doctor: River, Captain, what happened?
River: Silence
Gwen: What's the silence?
Doctor: You forget they ever existed the moment you look away, River how many were there?
River: About 10
Jack: We think
Doctor: You think
Jack: Yeah well it was hard to tell
Gwen: Oh my god look here all the bananas have returned and the monkeys are back
Ianto: Jack
Jack:(everyone staring at him) What, when River was having her badass moment I figured out what was happening with the cybermen and dealt with it
Doctor: How
Jack: They had long gone but left everything behind so the silence had probably caused them to leave and I returned everything back to its rightful place with no harm done apart from some minor injuries
River: Which is why he's limping
Ianto: Brilliant
Gwen: All this is making me hungry now
Ianto: Pizza?
Doctor: Pizza it is
River:(starts flying the TARDIS)
Doctor: Oi you can let me fly her and she's not making the noise (does the wheezing TARDIS noise)
River: I fly her perfectly and how many times she's not supposed to make that noise you always have the breaks on
Doctor: Well I love that noise
River: Shut up (she lands then kisses him passionately)

//They all go for pizza and say there farewells//

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