Chapter Fourteen

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//River remembered about the door having a deadlock so gets Gwen to call Jack to try open it//

Jack:(over coms) You should have told me this before, there's something in my office
Gwen: We tried but you left too soon
Jack: (over coms) Lucky I was only by the water tower, I'm coming down

//Jack arrives back and the pterodactyl is flying around//

Jack: (shouting) Ianto the pterodactyl got out
Ianto: I'd better deal with this (he leaves)
Gwen: I'll go with those two to make sure they don't do anything and you three go check Jack's office

//they split up and the Doctor, Amy and River are looking around Jack's office//

Doctor: Oooooo (finds a fez and puts it on)
River: (notices it) Seriously, I could slap you so hard right now
Amy: Shall we Melody
River: Oh yes
Amy:(grabs the fez and throws it)
River:(shoots it and slaps him)
Doctor: Ow, what was that for (rubbing his cheek)
River: You're the only one who likes those ridiculous hats
Doctor: But fezzes are cool
River: No they're not
Amy: We let you get away with the bowtie
Doctor: Bowties are cool and anyway it's not Rory's ponytail (him and Amy start laughing when River finds something)
River: What's this?
Doctor: What's what?
River: This (she shouts for the others and they arrive)
Jack: What's the big deal about?
Doctor: Jack where the hell did you get this (points to what River found)
Jack: How did you find that? It's not safe
Amy: What is it though?
Gwen: Another pair of resurrection gloves, Jack how could you hide this from us
Ianto: Jack how could you do this to me .. err .. I mean us
Jack: They came through the rift, I didn't know what to do so I put them in the safe and told no one (confused) but wait River how did you open the safe it's deadlocked only I can open it
River: With this (she holds up her lock picking device) it can do deadlocks
Doctor: So is that how you escaped stormcage so many times?
River: Shhhhh not here sweetie and no that was with my lipstick
Amy: IT CAN DO DEADLOCKS! Melody why didn't you tell us this earlier
River: I was worried about you
Doctor: Were all going back this time but only Jack's going in

//They all return to the shop and are waiting for Jack to stop browsing//

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