Chapter Ten

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//Rory is wandering around the shop whilst everyone else is crowding around Gwen and the scanner//

Gwen:(typing) Rory try looking in the suspicious areas we found on the cctv footage

//The signal breaks and Amy starts screaming//

Amy: Nooooo please no
Doctor: Melody (looks at River who's crying) it'll be ok (he hugs both Amy and River) Jack would you mind
Jack: Certainly but I'm taking my earpiece so call me if you see anything Gwen and Ianto get them your magic coffee
Ianto: Right away sir (he leaves to make coffee for everyone)

//Jack exits the TARDIS and is now in the shop//

Gwen: (over coms)Look for anything suspicious
Jack:(over coms) I know but there's nothing yet

//Ianto returns with coffee//

Doctor: Thanks Ianto (gives a cup each to River and Amy who have calmed down a bit)
Ianto: Here Gwen (passes her a cup)
Gwen: Brilliant .. hang on what's that .. (over coms) Jack I've found something we're coming to you so wait there
Jack: Ok
Ianto: Gwen you go with the Doctor and I'll stay here with River and Amy
Doctor: Good idea Ianto (he kisses Amy on the head and kisses River gently) let's go Gwen

//They leave the TARDIS//

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