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A/N: This is just a clarification for some questions I know are bound to pop up. 

Biana's village is sort of like Belle's from Beauty and the Beast. In this made-up time period, women can do the same thing men can do. It is not shunned or looked down upon. But, in this particular village where the Vacker's reside, scandals are very much a sin. Even though it is a small, remote village filled with starving parents and job-less teens, being involved in a scandal could ruin your reputation. 

DISCLAIMER- Shannon's characters are going to be out of character, if you know what I mean. Just warning you.

Biana's age: 17

Fitz's age: 20

And don't worry; the new chapter is going up tomorrow!

If you have any other questions, please PM me, or comment it!


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