Prologue 4

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^^Random meme I found on the internet, but that is how I imagined Tam in this story!

3 Months Ago

Summer of 1945

Recap: Wylie takes a nervous breath. "My heart, will you marry me?"


Visions dance across her mind.

Linh hears the wedding guests cheer as Wylie sweetly brings her face to his and kisses her softly.

Wylie's look of pure elation as he finds out about Linh's pregnancy.

Linh gets to hold her curly-haired, pale blue-eyed baby that looks a mix of herself and her husband.

Celebrating countless birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries with her family.

Linh's mind is already making up various scenarios depicting what her life would be like if she were to say yes (A/N: Me when I find a new book hottie husband...).

Wylie, and Linh thinks this with the sweetest respect, looked like he was about to throw up from nerves. But you could see the unmasked hope in his eyes that was burning brightly.

She gazed at her love as the whole crowd held their breath.

Linh never really had to think about it, not really. She had already known her answer the second he got down on one knee.

A smile bloomed on her face and she carefully cupped Wylie's face with her pale hands.

"Yes my dear. A thousand times yes!"

The guests erupted into cheers. From the corner of her eye, she could see her parents, arm in arm, smiling down at them; her mother was shedding silent tears of happiness. She could see her brother, with a grudging smile on his face, standing next to Ibota Wannour, who was also sniffling happily into her embroidered handkerchief.

But all Linh could focus on was the smiling man in front of her. Wylie picked up his fiancée and twirled her around in pure bliss.

He leaned close and whispered in her ear, "I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman on this Earth."

"Ti si moje sve." He whispered again. (You are my everything)

"Voljet ću te danas i uvijek." Linh replied. (I will love you today and always)

When they had first started courting, Wylie had begun to teach Linh how to speak Yaangi.

(A/N: Yaangi is a made-up language I found on a website. It is not actually a thing. What Linh and Wylie are speaking is actually Croatian.)

Naturally as a princess, you are expected to learn many languages. But Yaangi was a sort of dead language. Only a handful of people still spoke it. With Wylie being a chemist, he needed to be able to communicate in many different languages, no matter if one was rarely used anymore.

"Congratulations, my daughter! The kingdom wishes you all the best in your marriage." King Quan merrily announces amid all the cheerful discussions.

Linh feels the cheers erupt once more all around her. But, again, all she can focus on is being held in Wylie's arms, feeling safe once more. 

A/N: Hello everyone! Again, super sorry this chapter was late! Just an FYI, if you haven't looked at my new announcement on my profile page, please go read it! It contains important information about the book! 

Happy reading!


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