Prologue 6

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Someone shook her awake. She mentally groaned and made a note to beat up whoever was waking her up in the middle of the day.

She opened her eyes and saw her brother, Fitz. Suddenly she remembered. 

Every week at the Vacker household, they all got one day off working. The rest of the week was, obviously, filled with homeschooling and working (When Della was little, her grandpa taught her different school skills. She then decided to pass on her knowledge to her daughter). During that one day, Della wants her children to go and socialize with the respected families in the village. Normally, however, Biana just takes a nap and goes to talk with her friend Sophie Foster (Sophie helps her mother run their animal farm at the edge of town). 

Today was no different. Biana was happily taking her mid-day nap when she was shaken awake.

She cracked open her eyes. "First, never do that again. And second, is it time?"

Fitz beamed. "Yeah. Let's go before Mom can ask too many questions."

The other day, Fitz came home and talked to Biana in private. His friend from work invited him to go to the local tavern with him. So he planned to go to Woodward's tavern at 5pm on the rest day. But here was the problem. Della thinks that if you fraternise with the lesser people at the bar, then your reputation will go down. And heaven forbid that Della's reputation tarnish because of her children going to drink with the homeless. So, since Biana is the best liar in the family, Fitz recruited her to make up a different story. In return, Fitz had to bring Biana to the tavern with him.

"Let's go B. Or I'll be late." He looked away as Biana shimmied out of her crap nightgown and threw on a cloth skirt with a black tank top. (A/N: Just pretend this was the summer style in the 1940s lol).

Carefully walking out of their shared room, Biana and her brother calmly walk past the kitchen and towards the front door.

"Biana? Where are you going?"

The siblings stop and walk into the small seating area next to the kitchen.

"Fitz and I are headed to see Sophie Foster at her farm. Keefe Sencen will be there as well. We will be helping take care of the animals!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Biana could see Fitz bite his lip to try and not laugh. The thing is, Keefe Sencen is the most reckless, carefree, jokester in town. But apparently, Della doesn't know. Whenever Keefe comes and hangs out with Fitz, he always acts like a perfect gentleman. Which is why now, Della views him as such. Fitz thinks it's hilarious, but the whole ordeal just inflates Keefe's ego more.

Della ponders this for a minute. "Well, alright. As long as you get home before 9."

Biana plastered on her prettiest smile. "Thanks mom. See you later!"


As the pair neared the tavern, Fitz began to describe what she'd see in the bar.

"There are definitely going to be some homeless creeps staring at you from the corner."

Biana side-eyed him. "Well that makes me feel very assured."

Fitz plowed on. "And I know you may not be used to the whole environment, but-"

She finally stopped him. "Fitz. I understand you are just trying to look out for me, but it's kind of getting annoying. So thank you, but please stop."

Looking at her for a long moment, Fitz finally decided to give it up and pushed open the doors.

(A/N: Just imagine the tavern like the one in the animated version in Beauty and the Beast)

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